After this date, consumers should not purchase the product. However, the USDA does require a "pack date" for poultry products and thermally processed, commercially sterile products to help identify product lots … I have a turkey cranberry salad still in the sealed container with a use date of 11/8 and I am wondering if we can still consume this on Friday the 13th. “Especially on perishable items like fresh meat and readyto-eat meat, the code dates are important for people to understand. A use-by date on food is about safety. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not require quality or food safety date labels for products under its purview. Stick close to the expiration date here. This date is the last date recommended for the use of the product while at peak quality. A fresh turkey should have a sell by date on it. This is the most important date to remember. Tip: Always follow manufacturers' handling and preparation instructions or the safe handling label that is on every package of fresh meat and poultry. This date has been determined by the manufacturer of the product. But that’s causing confusion. 1 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires a “use by” date on infant formula. Buy a fresh turkey one to two days before the day you plan to cook. But you can always freeze meat once it hits its expiration date, suggested Quinlan. When purchasing packaged foods, most of us look for some type of expiration date, sell-by date, or use-by date imprinted on the container to determine the freshness.What those dates mean, however, is confusing, and once the item is in your fridge or pantry and has reached that date, you may wonder whether you need to toss the product or if it is still safe to eat. ... Use by Date. The fresh-turkey question is coming up more often this year. If there is a 'best-by' or 'use by' date on the manufacturer's label, then you can keep fresh poultry, unopened, in the refrigerator until that date. Fresh is in, and more people want fresh turkeys than those frozen bowling balls. As with other food dates, this label doesn't indicate when a product is "best" in terms of safety, but rather in terms of quality. I have always found that those turkeys had a sell by date that was at least a couple days past Thanksgiving. You will see use-by dates on food that goes off quickly, such as meat products or ready-to-eat salads. "Use-By" date - the last date recommended for use of the product while at peak quality. Yes, if properly stored - commercially frozen whole raw turkey will typically carry a “Best By," "Best if Used By," “Best Before”, or "Best When Used By" date but this is not a safety date, it is the manufacturer's estimate of how long the frozen whole raw turkey will remain at peak quality. Use-by dates are about safety. So the best-by date simply refers to when a product will be at best flavor or quality. Do not follow the 'sell by' date on the label. Salad Dressing/Condiments: Use … Probably the most commonly heeded food date is the best by date, because, let's face it, the name is a little misleading. ... Raising a Healthy Turkey . Whether it’s meat or dairy, fresh or canned, find out what a “use by” date really means – and how it can save you money… That half-full container of milk in your refrigerator was date … Smoked(Sausages((fully(cooked) Use(or(Sell(By(Date Refrigerated Top(center(of(package(face MM/DD/YYYY Refrigerated(C(by(sell(by(date NA Sell(by(date If(frozen(prior(to(sell(by(date,(can(freeze(for(60(days. Foods can be eaten until the use-by date but not after. ((Once(thawed,(consume(within(3(days 2C3(days NA Turkey(Strips(&(Medallions Use(or(Sell(By(Date Refrigerated … Fresh turkeys tend to arrive at stores the weekend that is before the weekend that is before Thanksgiving - in other words just under 2 weeks from Thanksgiving Day. Sigrid Correction to my previous posting: the salad date is Dec 8 use by NOT 11/8 The manufacturer determines this date.