Subordinating conjunctions connect two unequal clauses: a main clause and a dependent or subordinate clause. Conjunctions provide a link between similar words or groups of words, such as nouns, verbs, people, etc. Most French conjunctive phrases end in que and all are subordinating conjunctions. The phrase à condition que (provided that) is one of a long list of what are called French conjunctive phrases, which usually introduce a subordinating clause in a sentence.A conjunctive phrase is a group of two or more words that usually ends in que and is often a subordinating conjunction linking a subordinating clause to the main clause. conjunctions Grammar Lessons. Many French conjunctions and conjunctive phrases require the subjunctive, notably those which link cause and effect. - Lawless French Subordinating conjunctions are more numerous, and include a number of what are known in French as locutions subjonctives, or more simply in English conjunctive phrases, which end in que. The special thing to note is that some of them dictate the use of the specific modes (e.g. Subordinating Conjunctions These link a main clause with subordinated/dependent clauses. You will be able to quickly recognize the majority of them as most incorporate que / that as part of a conjunctive phrase. : (1) Coordinating conjunctions join words and groups of words of equal value; that is, which have the same nature or the same function in the sentence. Subordinating Conjunctions. French [Subordinating] Conjunctions. Coordinating conjunctions are small words that connect two or more grammatically equivalent words or phrases. Bien que tu sois en retard, je ne suis pas fâché. Two or more words often join to create a conjunctive phrase, which just means a series of words that acts like a conjunction. French conjunctions that indicate relations of syntactic dependence between connected items. indicative, subjunctive or conditional) in the subordinated clause. French Subordinating Conjunction. One of the eight parts of speech, conjunctions are used as connectors between grammatically related words or phrases.There are two kinds of conjunctions, depending on whether that relationship is equal or unequal. This is an upper-intermediate French grammar lesson in which you will learn which conjunctions require the subjunctive. Learn French > French lessons and exercises > French test #77941 > Other French exercises on the same topic: Conjunctions [ Change theme ] > Similar tests: - Conjonctions de subordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conjonctions de coordination - Conséquence et concession. Il est évident que tu ne comprends pas. Conjonctions. This lesson is meant for learners who have already learned how to form the subjunctive. . - Even though you're late, I'm not angry. Pages in category "French subordinating conjunctions" The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total. PLAY. See also: Conjonctions and Conjunction Types Subordinating conjunctions (conjonctions de subordination) are words or expressions that link a main clause to a dependent clause.For example. STUDY. - It's obvious that you don't understand. Level B2 - French Subjunctive with Subordinating Conjunctions. The connected words might be adjectives, nouns, adverbs, verbs, or even independent clauses; the important thing is that they’re equal and each one serves the …