Name * european antler mount. You can experiment with the color choices to personalize the skull to suit your place. Dennco Camo Skull Mount Fits Most Size Deer Antler Com. It is a work of art! European Skull Mount Hanger *The EuroHanger* Deer Skull Hook ... + shipping. Some trophies just don’t deserve a trip to the taxidermist for a shoulder mount, yet they don’t deserve to be tacked to the tool shed, either. The post How to Hydro Dip a European Mount Deer Skull appeared first on Wide Open Spaces. Oct 11, 2014 - Whitetail deer buck skull and jaw hydro dipped in next vista camo. Disclaimer* graphic images. Here’s how I completed the latest European mount — a large bull elk I arrowed on public land in … House Items: Light/Outlet Covers Switch Cover $10.00. Required fields are marked * Comment. 99 $55.98 $55.98. Message me for quote. How To Hydro Dipping Skull With Camo Skulls Unlimited International is the world's most trusted provider of professional skull cleaning, european mount skull and skeleton articulation. ... Pricing Information Hydro Dipped Euro Whitetail ..... $125.00. The word quickly spread that I was now doing European mounts, and from that Euro Skull Mount LLC was born. 8. Make Your Own Deer Skull Mount With Diy Taxidermy Outdoor Life. Welding Helmet $75.00. Very Sturdy! But I do consider keeping the antlers of the deer I take as a re… Mammals. This is the way I did mine. *All prices are for popular items being dipped.. Can dip other stuff also. Whitetail Deer $1800+ Sika Deer – $1800+ Grizzly – $1800+ Black Bear – $1800+ Grey and Red Fox – $600; All full mounts come with a general base. This Plaque is handmade and will fit all types of skulls with no alteration (drilling) of the skull. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Great job and thanks again. Toilet Seat Cover $40.00. $ 850 Open Mouth additional $175 Shoulder $450 1/ 2 Life $650 Backpack mount $ 695 Open Mouth additional $175 Customer provides items to hang… Next Stanley and Livingstone 4-Bore Elephant Gun is Quite a Historical Gem. European Mount Kit Deer Skull Master. Want us to mount your next animal? He also dipped my sons pinewood derby car. Find the idea here. Regular skull mount ($75) and to get it dipped it will be ($100) call … It turned out great! Al Mosley can be reached at 270-791-5536 or you can reach him through his Facebook page, Mosley European Mounts. This kit includes two interchangeable top sections so you can choose the size that best fits your antlers ensuring a professional look. Add $75 for deer, $100 for elk and $155 for bison size. Louisiana Taxidermy - Freddy Smith Taxidermist Find the perfect handmade gift, vintage & on-trend clothes, unique jewelry, and more… lots more. European Mounted Deer: I killed my first buck this year but couldn't justify spending the money for a shoulder mount. Oct 11, 2014 - Whitetail deer buck skull and jaw hydro dipped in next vista camo. Custom European Mount Deer Skull in Kryptek Hydrographics Design. As the skull business began to thrive, camo dipping of European mounts was growing popular. Reader Interactions. Taxidermy Pricing - Prices subject to change without notice. There are many ways to go about this, but here’s my favorite step-by-step method that will have your mount done in just a few days. Vinyl Customization on Escalade for Vehicle Branding. Explore. Helmets: Hard Hat $60.00. Custom Painted Stock Camaro Wheels in Black & Synergy Green Metallic . ... Buck skull hydro dipped in camo. Images and pricing information on European Taxidermy Mounts done by Mitchell SD Taxidermist Chad Pollreisz Taxidermy. ... Pricing Information Euro Deer Mount … I will work with you on payment arrangements for all work. ... “Shawn did an awesome job on my kid’s deer skulls. Saved by Ryan Hoffman. Unique Hand Painted Hydro Dipped Deer Skull 8 Point One-of-a-kind, Camo Brown. The antlers have been sawed off. Seller 100% positive. Call us (608)574-4327 Seller 100% positive. The Great Indoors. $120 if hydro-dipped -Custom design mount with driftwood or another design = $150--$200 depending on choice design If you find a camo or any other design online, I can most likely get it. I have up for auction 4 whitetail buck skulls. November 26, 2014. Customized Beach Cruiser Bicycle with Hydro Dipped Skulls. $47.99 $ 47. Wildlife Reflections Taxidermy © All Rights Reserved. His prices are very reasonable. Whitetail Cutoff Buck Deer Rustic Decor Mount European Skull Hydro Dipped. The bases where the antlers were sawed off measure approximately 3/4”-1”. Kit includes all parts and hardware to get your skulls proudly displayed on your Filed Under: Hunting. All of the big-game mounts in my home trigger fond memories of successful past hunts, and I admire them often.Among them are many European mounts, which are game skulls I’ve cleaned and whitened myself to avoid the $500 taxidermy bills for shoulder mounts. Seller 100% positive. 4.7 out of 5 stars 171. Whitetail Shoulder Mount $525. Wood panels and bases, granite pedestal bases, and skull hangers are available at additional cost.