For more reviews and recommendations, feel free to follow Amazon links (links open in the new window): Also, keep in mind that I usually cycle between Dymatize Elite Whey Protein, Optimum Nutrition Gold Whey and Ultimate Nutrition ProStar Whey Protein - they are protein whey blends, much cheaper per gram of powder/protein. Dymatize ISO-100 comes in these flavors: Birthday Cake, Cinnamon Bun, Cookies & Cream, Fudge Brownie, Gourmet Chocolate, Gourmet Pina Colada, Gourmet Vanilla, Orange Dreamsicle, Smooth Banana and Strawberry. Protein sources: As said before, both supplements are based on … Again, both are great so if the deciding factor for you is price then go with the one on sale. But, if I MUST choose between these two whey supplements, I would choose Dymatize ISO-100, with Hydrowhey being very, very close. ISO-100 has been the best selling protein supplement from 2013-2015. weight-lifting) sustains a longer fat … That's great news for your muscles post-workout. 2 533S-537S. This creates an ultra-pure form of whey protein isolate that can quickly absorb into the system. Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey comes in these flavors: Chocolate Mint, Turbo Chocolate, Supercharged Strawberry, Velocity Vanilla, Cookies & Cream Overdrive and Chocolate Peanut Butter. Recommendation - look for sale and choose the one that can be found cheaper. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Let’s see how they compare head to head! Dymatize ISO-100 vs. Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey - Supplements Comparison. The two are separated in the cheesemaking process and while whey used to be considered a waste byproduct, it turns out it can be turned into high protein powder. De Lorenzo A, Petroni ML, Masala S, Melchiorri G, Pietrantuono M, Perriello G, Andreoli A. The fact that Hydrowhey may be adding in additional amino acids to help boost its protein count almost feels like a violation of trust (although it's quite common in the industry). ISO-100 contains no gluten and no lactose, while Hydrowhey contains digestive enzymes. It offers a variety of different proteins, all of which are best sellers. Dymatize ISO-100. Packages: ISO-100 comes in the 1.6, 3 and 5 lbs packages and sometimes it can be found in small bags (10 servings). Platinum Hydrowhey vs. Gold Standard Protein Powder Comparison… Platinum Hydrowhey: This is highly regarded as the most advanced whey protein ever developed. Recently, an article was published to denounce the benefit of running long distances and proposed that running less than 6.4km a … เวย์โปรตีนสูตรลีนเสริมสร้างกล้ามเนื้อที่ดีที่สุด ปราศจากไขมัน และน้ำตาล Optimum Nutrition and Dymatize are some of the most popular whey protein powders on the market. A world-class training facility where the best athletes go to get better! Leucine and BCAAs in general are great for recovery and regeneration, but body also needs other amino acids to fully recover. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of both brands to see which is worth picking up for your collection. When shakers are used, both will make some foam, but not much, and that foam will settle down within seconds. Dymatize ISO 100 takes its name from the main ingredient, 100% Whey protein isolate. ISO-100 has more protein and if you are on a Keto or similar very-low carbs diet, consider this whey over Hydrowhey. 136 no. Optimum nutrition platinum hydro whey vs dymatize iso 100. At 25 grams of protein per serving, you can rest assured that your muscles are going to love ISO 100. With a large number of competing firms offering their products to gym freaks and workout enthusiasts, it becomes very difficult to differentiate among various products. When comparing Dymatize ISO 100 vs Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard. Dymatize is the sports nutrition supplement brand of choice for Chip Smith Performance Systems. ISO-100 is more expensive regarding grams of BCAA in powder. This is where amino acids are added to the formula to cause a higher protein count. Mixability and taste: Both supplements are easy to mix in shaker. Dymatize ISO100 Review - Ingredients This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. - ISO-100 contains more protein per 100g of powder, but Hydrowhey contains more BCAA. Get Dymatized! When you want a superior post-workout protein, few supplements will come close to Dymatize ISO 100. Inhalt. They are digest too fast to be used for breakfasts and daily snacks, even when slowed down with other foods like oats, fruits and similar. J. Nutr. The process of hydrolyzing whey protein isolates will break down larger proteins into a smaller form. Protein Wars – Dymatize vs Optimum Nutrition. Die teuerste und zugleich qualitativ hochwertigste Variante stellt BIOTECH Hydro Whey Zero dar. The only downside to Hydrowhey is the possibility of nitrogen spiking. Mourier A, Bigard AX, de Kerviler E, Roger B, Legrand H, Guezennec CY. Platinum HYDROWHEY is the most advanced whey protein we’ve ever developed containing 100% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolate. Both whey supplements are excellent for PWM shakes. You can't go wrong either way. Treadmills 101 - Choose the Best Treadmill, All Rights Reserved - Disclaimer. This is one of the most straight forward protein isolate supplements on the market. 11/28/2017 0 Comments Dymatize ISO-100 vs Gold Standard Dymatize ISO-100 vs Gold Standard Whey…the battle of the purest! Platinum Hydrowhey has gotten great reviews, but for the same price I could go with the Dymatize or SAN and get double the servings. Clearly, Dymatize ISO-100 has more protein per g of powder, but Hydrowhey has more BCAA per g of powder and especially per g of protein. 1997 Jan;18(1):47-55. They both come in various flavors and packages and many people wonder, which one is better. Whey concentrate: this is the simplest, least processed, and cheapest whey. Advertiser Disclosure. Dymatize ISO-100 and Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey are two whey protein supplements, both based on hydrolyzed whey protein isolates. This site is a free online resource that strives to offer helpful content and comparison features to its visitors. This is why I say Dymatize really outdid themselves (or Optimum) with their whey protein Iso-100. Both are going to be an amazing addition to any post-workout supplement line-up. © 2021 Amino Z Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Dymatize ISO-100 Gourmet Vanilla contains 86g of protein, 3g of carbs, 1.5g of fats and 0g of fibers per 100g of powder. Both Dymatize ISO-100 and Gold Standard Whey protein boast their pure quality and are equally incredible protein powders. Hydrowhey also contains enzyme blend for better digestion and absorption. Personally, I cycle whey protein supplements and I try never to buy same whey protein twice in a row. Dymatize Iso 100 whey came out to 2.71 cents per gram of protein compared to 4.83 cents for ON Hydrowhey! ON's Gold Standard and Dymatize's ISO 100 are … I prefer to buy larger packages, since they are cheaper per gram of supplement, especially when found on sale or as part of some combo package. All prices in Australian Dollars. Genieße es nach dem Training oder zu jeder Tageszeit, um deine Fitnessziele und die perfekte Form zu erreichen. You can expect about 3 or 4 grams of each for ever… Price: Optimum Nutrition Hydrowhey generally costs more than Dymatize ISO-100, per gram of powder and especially per gram of protein. So which one of these brands does it better? February 2006 vol. That means it will get into your muscle tissue faster than ordinary whey concentrate. ISO 100 is giving you 25 grams of completely usable protein with no tricks or gimmicks. Optimum Nutrition Hydrowhey vs Dymatize ISO 100 This entry was posted on December 29, 2016 by david . This entry was posted in Supplement Reviews and tagged dymatize, Optimum Nutrition, protein isolate, whey protein on December 29, 2016 by david. ISO-100 has good taste and when made with some fasts carbs, it tastes almost like candy, especially chocolate flavors. Flavors: Both supplements come in numerous flavors, suitable for everyone. Das Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey Protein ist etwas teurer, aber noch moderat im Preis. Many scientifically proven articles have also shown that anaerobic (i.e. Hydrolysed whey is a very unique type of protein as it pre-broken down. There are three main kinds of whey. We’ve conducted an analysis of Dymatize Nutrition ISO 100 and Nature's Best IsoPure Zero Carb. Dymatize ISO-100 and Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey are two whey protein supplements, both based on hydrolyzed whey protein isolates. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. In the question“What is the best protein powder for someone new to weight-lifting?” Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard is ranked 1st while Dymatize ISO 100 is ranked 3rd.. Ranked in these Questions … Dymatize ISO-100 is truly a remarkable product which can zero in on your muscle growth goals. Both of these protein supplements have been designed to give your muscles the amino acids they need. Hey everyone, So my three options for hydrolyzed whey protein are ON Platinum Hydrowhey, Dymatize ISO-100, and SAN Platinum Isolate. If we had to choose then we'd go with Dymatize ISO 100. In fact, both can be mixed in the glass with a spoon, with no foam, grits or chunks. Jun 25, 2015 - Dymatize ISO-100 and Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey are two whey protein supplements, both based on hydrolyzed whey protein isolates. Protein contains the very building blocks of lean muscle tissue. Both are incredible brands. Dymatize in itself is more of just a protein,like somthing to take if u havent eaten anything or something, while the optimum nutrition is the good stuff u should be taking, i take that and gold standard. And Hydrowhey taste even better - not much, but clearly better, especially when taken without fast carbs. Mit drei Geschmacksrichtungen bietet das Unternehmen eine sehr gute Qualität für Leistungssportler. Peptides and proteins in whey and their benefits for human health. 2008 Sep;48(3):347-51. You're getting hydrolysed protein along with a protein isolate. Email: Get email updates, articles and info from our research team, our product innovation team, our trainers, coaches and athletes! This decision can be reversed. Leucine Regulates Translation Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle after Exercise. That means you need a supplement that works fast and effectively for you to maximize your results. Inhalt: 2200 g Dymatize ISO 100 ist ein Protein mit wenig Kohlenhydraten, wenig Fett und ist glutenfrei. Sorry, you must be logged in to post a comment. Amino acids are going to help boost recovery, promote growth, and even support fat burning. It isn’t a surprise why this ultra-fast absorbing protein is designed to fuel your body with the purest protein possible for maximum muscle growth and recovery. You have declined cookies. Effect of acute and chronic branched-chain. Note: I would highly recommend reading Complete Protein Foods - Foods High in Protein article (link opens in the new window) to clarify things little bit about amino acids, BCAA and other. A massive 78% difference in cost! Recommendation: When deciding which one is better, keep in mind this: - both wheys are easy on stomach and cause no stomach issues, even for lactose intolerant people. 2200g Dose/ 68 Portionen . Of course, they both contain other ingredients like sweeteners and flavors. Both of which are extremely bioavailable. Get a $5 coupon to use on your first order! JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Optimum Nutrition is no stranger to the protein supplement scene. Remove Cookies Next Post →. It's no different with its Hydrowhey.