CREATED BY Chris Gifford. DORA A AVENTUREIRA E24 Pablos Flute-Dora A Aventureira XviD Por Dimas Som Pt-Br. Little Star 20. More like this. Hubertmccallum31. 2:08. Pablo played his flute and everything grew. Three Little Piggies 9. His grandpa tells him "Tocas tu musica" which means "play your music." Jeffreyaltenhein21. Jeffreyaltenhein21. Fish Out of Water 19. Everyone in the forest is sad and that they missed the magic flute. Once the flute is back together the flute plays its notes from the lowest note all the way up to the highest note. The Legend of the Big Red Chicken 2. Which colored path should Dora and Boots take? When the storm subsided, Pablo and his grandfather searched for the magic flute but they couldn't find it. Preschoolers can sing and dance and learn math, reading, Spanish words, and more as they help Dora on her adventures. The series centers around Dora, a seven-year-old Latina girl, with a love of embarking on quests related to an activity that she wants to partake of or a place that she wants to go to, accompanied by her talking purple backpack and anthropomorphic monkey companion named Boots (named for his beloved pair of red boots). We have to go across the Windy Bridge, go through the Spooky Forest, and that’s how we'll get to Pablo’s Mountain to return Pablo his flute! Choo Choo 7. Dora Saves the Prince 21. Llamas (debut) 14. Register Start a Wiki. The Pig is a Character who Apparears in the Dora the Explorer Episodes The Three Little Pigs, Pablo's Flute and El Baile de las Mariposas. Bouncing Ball 16. Pablo's Mountain is where Pablo, his Grandfather and all the animals live from the episode Pablo's Flute. After the storm dies down, Pablo and his grandpa searches for the magic flute. 2:08. Along the way, the flute breaks when Dora and Boots try to get across the windy bridge. The trees grew, the mangoes sprout, the corn grow, a cow moos by the barn, the chickens laid a huge mountain eggs, and the llamas and cows dance once again. Games Movies TV Video. (Song Starts) Dora and Blue: Come On In! Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. 2:08. 2:10. 2:08. Additionally, he will even later appear in the spin-off series, "Dora and Friends: Into the City!". She first appeared in the episode Te Amo. Dora and Boots find Pablo's flute, and hurry off to return it to Pablo on his Mountain. After Pablo plays his music, a terrible storm approaches, a powerful wind knocks the flute out of Pablo's hands. 20:31. Pablo had one thing in common with Alana; they both love to play soccer. Eric Weiner "Pablo's Flute" WRITTEN BY Eric Weiner "Treasure Island" WRITTEN BY Eric Weiner. They have to watch out for "las culebras" which is Spanish for "the snakes," "los lobos" which means "the wolves," and "los murciélagos" which means "the bats." Go to the Web site of Dora. 2:20. ", the background is taken from. Can you figure out what place they have to go to next? television series. Beaches 5. Dora e seus amigos -Pablo ta briga par CE com alana. Boots saw something flying, he gets scared and hugs Dora tight with his eyes closed. Dora: (Singing) It's The Dora and Blue Show! Careful! But couldn’t find it and without it, he can't make any music. Episode 1. Cuica 02 (Heard at the beginning of The Grumpy Old Troll's song.) Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes and Eric Weiner that premiered on Nickelodeon on August 14, 2000. Dora and Boots have an adventure while returning a flute. اشتراک بگیرید و یا همچنین می توانید این فایل ها را امتحان نمایید: As Dora and Boots enter the spooky forest, they see 4 different colored paths; green, red, blue, and yellow. Pablo, a character who first appears in the Dora the Explorer episode, Pablo's Flute and reappears in Dora and Friends: Into the City; Pablo Sanchez, a character from the video game series Backyard Sports; Pablo, a character in Ernest Hemingway's novel For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) Pablo lived on a rocky farm with his grandfather. (the same problem occurs in. Dora the Explorer: Pablo's Flute/Treasure Island Credits (2004) Edit. She is a heroic Latina girlwho embarks on a trip in every episode in order to find something or help somebody in need. Bugga Bugga 18. 20:31. In some scenes of this episode, Dora's voice sounds her Season 2 voice. DVD Releases with episode collections, including Dora the Explorer. Sorry for bad quality. Uh-oh, the flute broke into pieces. But, ouch! Wikis. Lost & Found 3. Dora & Boots read a story about the time Pablo played music to make things grow with a magic flute. Each piece of the magic flute had a different … Peppa Pig 8. Instead of jumping in the book, the events of the book seem to be reality as Dora and Boots find the flute near them. Dora and Boots also do that. 24 mins | 2001 | TV-Y. Friendly Owl (La Lechuza) 1 Cast 1.1 Episodes: 1.1.1 Season 1 1.1.2 Season 2 1.1.3 Season 3 1.1.4 Season 4 1.1.5 Season 5 1.1.6 Season 6 1.1.7 Season 7 1.1.8 Season 8 1.2 Gallery Dora - Herself Boots - Blue (Blue's Clues) Benny - Oswald the Octopus Isa - Pail (Blue's Clues) Tico - Periwinkle (Blue's Clues) Swiper - Himself Backpack - Herself Map - Himself The … 1:49. The show is carried on the Nickelodeon cable television network, including the associated Nick Jr. channel. After they cross the windy bridge, they walk down the path and they approach the spooky forest. The Big Red Chicken 2. Jeffreyaltenhein21. The Roku Channel | Roku. Swiper 6. I'm sorry, but I like this scene lolzI know I'm too old for this show, but still lolz.. Anyways, this is Pablo's Flute. Appareance Is a Pink Pig with Purple Eyebrows. The scene where the zoom-in mechanic is used before Dora says the places. Dora the Explorer Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Valerie Walsh. Episodes that Benny, Tico, and Isa are absent, Episodes in which Dora and Boots stop Swiper, Episodes in which Map does sing his full song, Episodes that use the valley background during favorite parts, The Chocolate Tree 23. Not long after that, Dora and Boots watched as Pablo played his flute and everything started to grow. 1. One day Pablo's grandpa carved a wooden flute of 5 different colors. Jeffreyaltenhein21. Wizzle Wishes 12. (Dora plays the flute) Blue: (Singing) It's The Dora and Blue Show! The wind is blowing hard. When the story was finished, Dora and Boots were determined to find Pablo's Flute and bring it back to Pablo so that he can play his music so that everything on his mountain can grow again. Pablo plays his flute and the entire forest starts to grow. Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801 Hollywoodedge, Crowd Med Shock PE961301/Hollywoodedge, Crowd Reaction Shock PE142501 Hollywoodedge, Ding Metallic HitF CRT2016507 (Heard once during the ending credits of "Dora Had a Little Lamb".) Georgeburke782. 1 Show Description 2 Episode List 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 2.3 Season 3 2.4 Season 4 2.5 Season 5 2.6 Season 6 2.7 Season 7 2.8 Season 8 Dora and Boots are walking on the path until they see Swiper. Trailer. Dora and Boots set off to return Pablo's magical flute and reverse a devastating drought. Hubertmccallum31. 2:10. Dora gets out the book with a picture of a flute from Backpack. After that, they see Swiper climbing up the cliff. Pablo's toverfluit zorgt dat de plantjes groeien, maar de wind blaast ze weg. Directed by Gary Conrad. 1 Story 2 Looks 3 Appearances 4 Trivia Dora & Boots read a story about the time Pablo played music to make things grow with a magic flute. Pablo lived on a rocky farm with his grandfather. One day Pablo's grandfather carved a flute of many colors. Map 5. It was hard for the plants and food to grow. Te Amo 25. Appareance Is a Pink Pig with Purple Eyebrows. After the story, Dora and Boots are on a search for the Pablo’s lost magic flute. 1 VHS 2 DVD 3 See also Dora and Friends: Into the City! EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Chris Gifford. Señor Tucán tells Dora and Boots to listen for the friendly owl. Dora and Boots have an adventure while returning a flute. With Kathleen Herles, Harrison Chad, Marc Weiner, Sasha Toro. 2:08. Fiesta Trio 7. … Map says that they have to go over a windy bridge and through a spooky forest to get to Pablo's Mountain. and "Where are we going?" The wind has caused Boots to drop the flute and it broke into pieces! 2:01. Wizzle Wishes 12. Valerie Walsh. Yazo. 1 Cast 1.1 Episodes: 1.1.1 Season 1 1.1.2 Season 2 1.1.3 Season 3 1.1.4 Season 4 1.1.5 Season 5 1.1.6 Season 6 1.1.7 Season 7 1.1.8 Season 8 1.2 Gallery Dora - Herself Boots - Blue (Blue's Clues) Benny - Oswald the Octopus Isa - Pail (Blue's Clues) Tico - Periwinkle (Blue's Clues) Swiper - Himself Backpack - Herself Map - Himself The … Dora Saves the Prince 21. Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer. Pablo's Flute is the 24th episode of Dora the Explorer from Season 1. Now, they approach the windy bridge. We All Scream for Ice Cream 6. Hooray! Each piece of the magic flute had a different number of holes. Riddles The Sheep is a Recurring Character from Dora the Explorer Episodes Pablo's Flute, The Three Little Pigs and Pinto wins the Ribbon. Dora and Boots find Pablo's flute and hurry off to return it to Pablo on his Mountain. Call Me Mr. Dora, Boots, the entire forest, and even Pablo and his grandpa are all proud that he got back his magic flute and that he can play his music once again. Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. 1 Story 2 Looks 3 Appearances 4 Trivia Dora & Boots read a story about the time Pablo played music to make things grow with a magic flute. Here, Pablo gets his flute back. Join Dora, Boots, Backpack, Map, and Swiper for interactive preschool adventures in your backyard and around the world. Pablo (debut) 9. 150,834 Pages. 1 Description 2 Looks 2.1 Age 2.2 Interests 2.3 Family 2.4 Born 3 Trivia 4 Gallery 5 External links Dora has relationships with all of … This will happen again in, When Boots says "The Map! Dora lExploratrice Dora the Explorer Dora Dessins … The 1st color is magenta with 1 hole; the 2nd color is orange with 2 holes; the 3rd color is yellow with 3 holes; the 4th color is purple with 4 holes; and the 5th color is red with 5 holes. The friendly owl will lead them through the spooky forest. Pablo's Flute 25. 2:08. Dora tells Boots that it's okay, it's just Señor Tucán and he's telling them that they should watch out. Sheep (debut) 12. You can see that Dora and Boots went across the windy bridge. Peppa Pig 8. (Blue plays the harmonica) Dora and Blue: (Singing) It's A Show for You, It's AShow for Us, It's A Show About The Wackiest Things We Do! DORA A AVENTUREIRA E24 Pablos Flute-Dora A Aventureira XviD Por Dimas Som Pt-Br. Pablo's Flute 25. But to get over the Windy Bridge, through Spooky Forest and get past Swiper the Fox, they are going to need the viewer's help! Category:Dora the Explorer TV Show Spoof | The Parody Wiki | Fandom. ", she is the only one saying the third "Where are we going?" Go, Diego, Go! Dora The Explorer Game 8 bit Pablos Flute. 4 years ago | 8 views. Dora and Boots decide to climb up the cliff using a rope. The Parody Wiki. 1 VHS 2 DVD 3 See also Dora and Friends: Into the City! They find it and then they bring it back to Pablo. Dora remembers that Pablo sang a little song to put the flute together. Blue: (Singing) We're So Happy That You're Here! With Paramount for Region 1 and with Universal / Sony for Region 4, Nickelodeon released a number of DVDs featuring one episode from a variety of the animated television series they have produced besides Dora the Explorer, including The Backyardigans, Blue's Clues, Blue's Room, Bubble Guppies, The Fresh … We stopped Swiper! Wiki … The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Video and DVD Trailer; 4. This is My Version of "Dora the Explorer". The rope is broken! Berry Hunt 11. Hic Boom Ohh 4. This is the spot where the wind blew away the flute. CREATED BY Chris Gifford Valerie Walsh Eric Weiner "Pablo's Flute" WRITTEN BY Eric Weiner EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Chris Gifford PRODUCER Valerie Walsh PRODUCER/ HEAD WRITER Eric Weiner SUPERVISING PRODUCER Steve Socki SUPERVISING PRODUCER FOR POST PRODUCTION Jeff DeGrandis SUPERVISING DIRECTOR Gary Conrad STORYBOARD SUPERVISOR Bob Curtis … Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. Friendly Owl (usually known as La Lechuza or simply Lechuza) is an owl who warns Dora and Boots to be quiet and sings the song La Lechuza. Hubertmccallum31. Pablo lived on a rocky farm with his grandfather. Boots tries running up the cliff, but he falls and Dora catches him. Georgeburke782. Backpack 17. Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. Dora & Boots read a story about the time Pablo played music to make things grow with a magic flute. Treasure Island 8. Once upon a time, a boy named Pablo had a magical flute that played music... that is, until he lost it in a storm! Pablo's Chickens (debut) 13. The Pig is a Character who Apparears in the Dora the Explorer Episodes The Three Little Pigs, Pablo's Flute and El Baile de las Mariposas. Big River 10. Pablo's Grandfather (debut) 10. The 4 paths colored yellow, blue, red and green. Boots 3. Items in Backpack (clockwise starting from the top right). Hic-Boom-Ohhh 4. SUPERVISING PRODUCER Georgeburke782. Buy from $1.99. Dora the Explorer is a Nick Jr. show created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes, and Eric Weiner. Dora catches the flute and she and Boots duck their heads down low to avoid getting caught with the strong wind. Dora The Explorer Game 8 bit Pablos Flute. Dora … To get to Pablo's Mountain, first they'll have to go over the Windy Bridge, then through the Spooky Forest. This is a transcript of ABC's with Dora and Blue. He wears a yellow long-sleeved undershirt with a blue short-sleeved shirt over it, tan capris, and light yellow shoes with light and dark blue patterns on it. 14. Call Me Mr. Dora the Explorer: List of Episodes of Dora the Explorer 1 Season 1 2 Season 2 3 Season 3 4 Season 4 The Big Red Chicken Lost and Found Hic-Boom Ohhh Beaches We All Scream for Ice Cream Choo Choo Treasure Island Three Little Piggies Big River Berry Hunt Wizzle Wishes Grandma's House Surprise Sticky Tape Bouncing Ball Backpack Bugga Bugga Fish Out of Water Little Star Dora … The series is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and is one of the longest-running series that aired on the Nick Jr. block. They sing the scale starting with the lowest note and ending it off with the highest note. It is now fixed and as good as new. Help them fix the flute in this video. Yikes! And now his farm is in danger of frying up! Lost and Found 3. One day Pablo's grandfather carved a flute of many colors. Riddles Season 2. El Coqui 22. 20:31. It is unknown how Dora and Boots would go down from Pablo's Mountain after the rope broke. The corn stopped growing, the mangoes stopped sprouting, and the chickens stopped laying eggs. 12. Cuica 02 (Heard at the beginning of The Grumpy Old Troll's song.) PRODUCER Valerie Walsh. This is a transcript of Dora and Blue's Clues. Grandma's House 13. Yazo. (Song Starts) Dora and Blue: Come On In! I'm sorry, but I like this scene lolzI know I'm too old for this show, but still lolz.. Anyways, this is Pablo's Flute. 1 Cast 2 Episodes 2.1 SEASONS 3 Gallery Fuli (The Lion Guard) as Dora the Explorer Baby Sylvester (The Baby Looney Tunes Show) as Boots Kion (The Lion Guard) as Diego Arlo (The Good Dinosaur) as Russia Hubie (The Pebble And The Penguin) as Map Marina (The Pebble And The Penguin) as … They thank the friendly owl and they make it through the spooky forest. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. To the Treehouse 26. The purple piece had 1 hole, the orange piece had 2 holes, the yellow piece had 3, the lavender piece had 4 and the red piece had 5. Soon after, a terrible storm came and it knocked the flute out of Pablo's hand. With Paramount for Region 1 and with Universal / Sony for Region 4, Nickelodeon released a number of DVDs featuring one episode from a variety of the animated television series they have produced besides Dora the Explorer, including The Backyardigans, Blue's Clues, Blue's Room, Bubble Guppies, The Fresh … 2:20. El Coqui 22. Fuli The Explorer is TheLastDisneyToon's TV Show Spoof of "Dora the Explorer". S1:E 25 Pablo's Flute. Dora the Explorer is an American animated television series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes, and Eric Weiner that premiered on Nickelodeon on August 14, 2000. (Song Starts) Dora and Blue: Come On In! Dora and Boots call out to Pablo saying that they found his flute and give it back to him. 1. Swiper is going to fall! 1 Show Description 2 Episode List 2.1 Season 1 2.2 Season 2 2.3 Season 3 2.4 Season 4 2.5 Season 5 2.6 Season 6 2.7 Season 7 2.8 Season 8 DORA A AVENTUREIRA E24 Pablos Flute-Dora A Aventureira XviD Por Dimas Som Pt-Br. Pablo counts to 5 in Spanish. When young Pablo loses his magic flute, a terrible drought hits his family's farm. It takes a while but they finally found Pablo's magic flute. Surprise! The mangoes, the plants; the chickens laid lots of eggs and the llamas and cows start dancing and the ground is all green. She is a heroic Latina girl who embarks on countless adventures in every episode in order to find something or help somebody in need. Home video releases of Dora the Explorer. 2:08. Riddles The series is produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio and is one of the longest-running series that aired on the Nick Jr. block. He shakes his head and runs far, far away. The show aired in reruns on "Nick on CBS" for 6 years from September 16, 2000, to … The bats are on the green path, the snakes are on the red path, and the wolves are on the yellow path. Georgeburke782. Dora: (Singing) It's The Dora and Blue Show! Find reviews for the latest series of Dora the Explorer: Pablo's Flute or look back at early seasons. ... Dora Saves the Prince 21. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. The Chocolate Tree 23. Dora the Explorer Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. As Dora started reading, there was a boy named Pablo who lived in a farm high in the mountains. Dora the Explorer Intro; Dora, La Música; Pablo's Flute [edit | edit source] Dora the Explorer Map Adventures February 4, 2003; 1. Dora the Explorer: Pablo's Flute Credits (2001) Edit. 2:08. Lechuza is mostly blue with navy blue on the center of her wings, a white body, an orange beak, orange feet, yellow eyebrows, and white eyes with black pupils. Eric Weiner "Pablo's Flute" WRITTEN BY Eric Weiner. Dora (IsiNgisi — Dora the Explorer) kuyinto umelika Cartoon owadalwa Chris Gifford. Jeffreyaltenhein21. Dora The Explorer 24 Pablos Flute برای تماشا و یا دانلود این ویدئو نیاز به خرید اشتراک دارید! Chocolate Tree 23. videography Nick Jr. compilation videos (for information on other videos that contain Dora the Explorer episodes) Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute 2. Wheeeee! Cows (debut) 11. Looks like the Fiesta Trio is have so much fun riding on the wind! Don't let the wind blow you away! In some scenes of the episode, Pablo played his flute with the right hand on top, whereas a flute is normally played with the left hand on top. Also, his eye color changed to brown. Read about Pablo's Flute by Dora The Explorer and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. 2:01. The pieces are gathered up but not in the right order. In Dora The Explorer, he wore a light blue short-sleeved shirt, navy blue shorts, and brown open toed sandals. Dora throws the rope around a tree at the top of the cliff and in no time, they climb up the cliff to the top. Character kuyinto Dora. With Kathleen Herles, Harrison Chad, Marc Weiner, Sasha Toro. Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. Dora the Explorer became a regular series in 2000. DORA A AVENTUREIRA E24 Pablos Flute-Dora A Aventureira XviD Por Dimas Som Pt-Br. Hubertmccallum31. Also, the animations during the "Come on, Vamanos!" Bugga Bugga 18. This episode can be found on the Egg Hunt DVD and Move to the Music on VHS. Dora Explorer Márquezis the main character and hostess of theDora the ExplorerandDora and Friends: Into the City!television series. Each piece of the magic flute had a different number of holes. 1. Pablo lived on a rocky farm with his grandfather. Boots drops the flute and it breaks into pieces. Hollywoodedge, Children Sml Grp Yell PE954901/Hollywoodedge, Small Group Kids Chee PE142801 Hollywoodedge, Crowd Med Shock PE961301/Hollywoodedge, Crowd Reaction Shock PE142501 Hollywoodedge, Ding Metallic HitF CRT2016507 (Heard once during the ending credits of "Dora … Follow. However, it is still unknown how Swiper got to Pablo's Mountain when he appeared the second time. Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. They stop him and he runs away. This happened in Doggie Day; the first episode to start the spinoff show. Sorry for bad quality. That has SERIOUSLY got to hurt! The blue path is where the friendly owl is. Now they have to go to Pablo's Mountain return Pablo his magic flute. Backpack 17. Bouncing Ball 16. Pablo's Flute 26. But once they fixed it like new, they continued on with their journey. Jeffreyaltenhein21. Dora Explorer Márquez is the main character and hostess of the Dora the Explorer and Dora and Friends: Into the City! Te Amo 24. Te Amo 24. Click here \r \r Educational cartoons\r Preparing for school\r Kids cartoon\r Child development\r Kids Games\r Development of the child. But the ground was rocky. Dora wants to read a book to Boots called "Pablo's Flute." Sticky Tape 15. Pablo is a boy who was first introduced in the episode "Pablo's Flute". Pablo and his grandpa worked so hard to try and take care of the plants and animals on the farm. Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute 2. Te Amo Pablo's Flute Click! Fish Out of Water 19. Choo-Choo 7. Each piece of the magic flute had a different … nickelodeon dora the explorer magical journeys first look and find book Dec 06, 2020 Posted By Norman Bridwell Publishing TEXT ID 17165d8f Online PDF Ebook Epub Library house dora and boots must ask the map for help to find out how dora the explorer is just a normal girl on shrooms in her backyard also an american educational animated tv Blue: (Singing) We're So Happy That You're Here! Dora and Boots stopped Swiper twice in this episode. Dora The Explorer Game 8 bit Pablos Flute. Pablo puts the pieces in order from smallest number all the way to the biggest number. Pablo's grandpa told him "tocas tu musica Pablo, tocas tu musica" and he laughs. Appareance Is … Pablo loses his magic flute and his farm is in danger of drying up. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 1:49. Backpack 4. Treehouse 24. Call Me Mr. Directed by Gary Conrad. (Dora plays the flute) Blue: (Singing) It's The Dora and Blue Show! Dora … Little Star 20. Coming to Videocassette and DVD Screen; 2. When Dora and Boots climbed up to Pablo's mountain, they gave back the flute to Pablo. Dora the Explorer is an American educational animated TV series created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes and Eric Weiner. Treasure Island 8. PRODUCER/ HEAD WRITER Eric Weiner. She also has a book about bongo drums, a guitar, a cowbell, and an accordion. The name of Pablo's flute (it was called "Magic Flute") is a reference to Mozart's opera with the same name (K620). 1 Description 2 Appearance 2.1 Age 2.2 Interests 2.3 Family 3 Trivia Dora has relationships with all of the … Dora … (Blue plays the harmonica) Dora and Blue: (Singing) It's A Show for You, It's AShow for Us, It's A Show About The Wackiest Things We Do! Despite the fact that Pablo appeared on Dora the Explorer 3 times, he became a main character in the spinoff show. Human Nita (Brother Bear 2) as Dora Koda (Brother Bear) as Boots Bear Kenai (Brother Bear) as Diego Tinky Winky(Teletubbies) as Benny Po (Teletubbies) as Isa Dipsy (Teletubbies) as Tico Flik (A Bug's Life) as The Big Red Chicken Wendy Darling (Peter Pan) as Baby Blue Bird Baby Tarzan and Baby Rapunzel(Tarzan and Tangled) as Super Babies Pinocchio (Pinocchio) as Baby Red … Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. Pablo appears again as Dora's classmate in ". This is a transcript of Dora and Blue's Clues. 1 Season 1 1.1 The Legend of the Big Red Chicken 1.2 Lost and Found 1.3 Hic-Boom-Ohh 1.4 Beaches 1.5 We All Scream for Ice Cream 1.6 Choo Choo 1.7 Treasure Island 1.8 Three Little Piggies 1.9 The Big River 1.10 Berry Hunt 1.11 Wizzle Wishes 1.12 Grandma's House 1.13 Surprise 1.14 Sticky Tape 1.15 Bouncing Ball 1.16 Backpack! 1:49. (Blue plays the harmonica) Dora and Blue: (Singing) It's A Show for You, It's AShow for Us, It's A Show About The Wackiest Things We Do! TV-Y | Oct 8, 2001 | 24m. "Dora the Explorer" Pablo's Flute (TV Episode 2001) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Dora: (Singing) It's The Dora and Blue Show! They are now getting close to Pablo's Mountain but as they're on their way, the path stops by a cliff. That’s scary! Dora and Boots must find the flute set out to bring it back to Pablo's Mountain to reverse the devastating drought. Dora the Explorer is a Nick Jr. show created by Chris Gifford, Valerie Walsh Valdes, and Eric Weiner. Pablo is a boy who was first introduced in the Dora The Explorer episode "Pablo's Flute". videography Nick Jr. compilation videos (for information on other videos that contain Dora the Explorer episodes) This is My Version of "Dora the Explorer". Summary: When young Pablo loses his magic flute, a terrible drought hits his family's farm. Report. Vinnytovar's TV spoof of Dora the Explorer 1 Cast 2 Gallery 3 Episodes 3.1 Season One: 3.2 Season Two: 3.3 Season Three: 3.4 Season Four: Dora - Bianca (Sheep & Wolves) Boots - Parappa the Rapper Diego - Grey (Sheep & Wolves) Boots' Dad - Parappa's Dad (Parappa the Rapper) Map - Deadpool Backpack - White Ranger (Power Rangers Ninja Steel) Benny - Mater (Cars) Isa - Beth … Dora The Explorer Game Pablos Flute. Three Little Piggies 9. Sticky Tape 15. They stop Swiper and after Swiper snaps his fingers, the rope breaks and Swiper bounces down the cliff back onto solid ground.