I'm a fan of Tink's. Tinks # 69 doe In Rut buck Lure is estrus and does don;t like to be around an estrous doe if she isn't in heat. See also the related categories, english and american. Meaning of tinks. I believe the sound of the spray also carries. U see this more for a drag scent to cover my entry and exit and then hang it down wind from my stand. I'm not asking for a critique of my question. She walked off alarmed. I use tinks 69 almost everytime i'm in the woods (which is 3-4 times a week) and i haven't had a single buck come to the scent yet. AND how does it affect other does in the area in general both during, before, after the rut? Best used during the pre-rut and rut, Tink's #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure can be applied to anything from drag rags, boot pads, scrapes, twigs and branches or in Tink’s Scent Bomb containers. 2019/20 Deer Hunting Season: 1st Half – 1 Doe Down. There are several ways to use it. On top of that, the special ingredient will attract bucks. sometimes it'll work, most times it wont. I'm asking for an ANSWER to my question. QUES: Ever see the old series "Unsolved Mysteries". This deadly formula is available in liquid and gel formulas, as well as the all-new Hot Shot Mist format. | Yahoo Answers. Tinks is of the meaning 'one who is coy'. This product contains natural doe estrous so you can guarantee it is going to work well. Answers.yahoo.com lots of things work, just not all of the time. Take 3 Scent Bombs and fill them with about 1/3rd of your preferred lure and place them in different locations around your stand site. Still have questions? As usual, the wind did in fact become inconsistent and oftentimes blew my wind (along with the Tinks 69 scent) right along the wood line along a doe bedding area. Tink , did you use your whitetail lure? Jul 3, 2013 #1 . From the Manufacturer. During that most of the day rut hunt, I had several bucks that were directly down wind of the scent and not one of them paid any attention to it. That being said, when I signed up for a year’s subscription to Midwest Outdoors, I received a free bottle of the Tinks 69 Doe in Rut lure. November 17, 2015 Here at Tink’s we recommend using our Scent Bombs. Required fields are marked *. Can tinks 69 scare deer if the rut is not on? I even came back the next morning to see if maybe a buck had come to visit under the cover of darkness and not a single one of the scrapes had been touched. Weird things about the name Tinks: The name spelled backwards is Sknit. How unique is the name Tinks? Tink’s #69-X is best to use this product during the rut. I've used Tinks No. Moisture will reactivate the formula. Does Tinks 69 work during the rut? The only bad part about the stand is that if the wind shifts on me, my scent blows directly in to a doe bedding area. I have a stand that I use with a southerly wind. Tink’s 69 Every now and then I mess around with scents. How easy is it to buy firearms in the US? We have seen a few bucks this year, one really nice one but we couldnt get off a shot. still if it works one time out of 100 and that one time allows you to bag a monster buck, then it's well worth it. I have always used Tinks 69 with good luck. Personally, I prefer to leave as little trace of anything being different as possible. Don't use a buck lure to lure in does OK? Usually I put some on a wick that I hang from a tree. It gives off a scent that lures in bucks both during the rut and pre-rut, bringing them to an area where you've set up your blind or tree stand. Click here to support Deerhuntertips.com by purchasing your hunting equipment (or anything actually) through Amazon. Tink's #69 has always been my go to during the rut. I have seen tinks work but have switchged Special golden estrus or VS1 now. I'm wondering if the Tinks doe pee attractant isn't what it used to be. All awnsers appreciated. So this year I decide to try Tinks 69. I’ve never had any luck with them and I say to myself never again. Information and translations of tinks in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … It seems to work best during the … Fun Facts about the name Tinks. | Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Tinks was not present. Get your answers by asking now. Sit Drag Review – Can You Saddle Hunt With it? This way if the wind changes and a deer comes in from a different direction, they will smell the lure. With this type of outcome, I could never in good conscious recommend using the Tinks 69 Doe in Rut lure. Again, not a single one of the bucks came over to check out the scent even though at least 3 of the bucks came within bow range of my stand. How do you think about the answers? They are comparing a .22 LR out of a long ? Welcome to GON...where literacy, common sense, and the search feature do not work. I have used a couple curiousity lures that seemed to work on muleys in the past. What does tinks mean? Tink’s #69-X is best to use this product during the rut. I usually place 3 or 4 in the area especially on used game trails. The company collected estrous from live whitetails during the estrous cycle. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. sometimes it'll work, most times it wont. Gun season is almost over and i really want a buck this year, does tinks 69 work? With it being a early/mid November hunt, I figured any buck cruising down wind of the doe bedding area would get a whiff of the Tinks 69 and come in to investigate. Discussion in 'Ohio Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by tcountyhunter, Jul 3, 2013. Favorite Answer. The scent works, but putting it in direct sunlight heats it up and increases the chances something may actually get down wind of it and come to it. however, in past years i've had buck walk directly under my stand sniffing the tinks. Nov 1, 2012 tcountyhunter. 1,071 8 1,223. lots of things work, just not all of the time. or do you have a muley doe-in-heat now? You can sign in to vote the answer. Tink’s #69-X is a unique synthetic formulation developed to break down slowly and release its scent just like natural doe estrous. The only bad part about the stand is that if the wind shifts on me, my scent blows directly in to a doe bedding area. It seems that I haven't had those kind of result in several years. Tinks has 11 variations. How long are Tink's #69 Doe-In-Rut Buck Bombs good for? The first time a doe started blowing. For me, this was just further proof as to why I don’t waste my money on scents and lures. sometimes buck will come charging to the noise, most times nothing will happen. lots of things work, just not all of the time. Leave a comment. Tink’s E-Scent comes with a synthetic #69 Doe-In-Rut® scent cartridge. CDC: COVID-19 vaccines cause mostly mild side effects, Winslow's new plea deal: 14 years in prison, Cruz family’s Cancun trip rattles their private school, Jenner facing backlash for cultural appropriation, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West file for divorce, Deal made as minor leaguer comes back to bite Tatis, What to do if you never got a direct stimulus payment, Accused Capitol rioters try new defense argument, Randy Jackson looks back on weighing 358 pounds, Thousands of doctors in the U.S. can't seem to get a job, Biden pledges to restore European ties in G-7 speech. I have heard both positive and negative stories on its effectivness. Using scents with decoys is a proven tactic. I have used it twice this year. Variations include Tincks, Tink, Tinke, Tinkea, Tinkee, Tinkey, Tinki, Tinkie, Tinky, Tyncks, and Tynks. I've seen deer (bucks) catch scent of the "Tink's 69" (doe estrus) and come running. They smell a doe in heat when it ain't time to be in heat, and they know it is a dude with a bottle of Tink's 69 and a gun. I use tinks 69 almost everytime i'm in the woods (which is 3-4 times a week) and i haven't had a single buck come to the scent yet. I thought that this would be the perfect spot to try out the Tinks 69 in a few scrapes that surrounded the stand. The E-Scent unit with scent cartridge, battery, USB charger and lanyard will be available for $24.99 MSRP. The bucks ranged from a button buck fawn up to a 3 1/2 year old buck. Killed a 12 point a few years ago that had his nose to the gound following a drag rag with special golden estrus that had been drug through there 4 hours earlier. Tink’s #1 selling Original Formula; A brand trusted by hunters for the past 40 years; Used … It didn’t look like the scrapes had been hit in the last 24 hours but I knew that would be the best spot to use it. Using the Tinks 69 I have a stand that I use with a southerly wind. The formula is made from natural estrous collected from does. Deer are not stupid. Why do 99% of all people I talk to say a .22 LR is vastly superior to a .25 ACP for self defense? Use in scrapes or mock scrapes. Even though I had never tried lure before and didn’t really have high hopes for it’s effectiveness, I’m not one to waste something, even if I get it for free. I would like to know your opinions on Tinks 69. We Can't thank you enough! Definition of tinks in the Definitions.net dictionary. I started out just using the wicks and had no luck as usual the first few times out. yes use a drag line ,,,,,and a grunt call asap, yea it is good I've used it before, works pretty good. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure, the standard on which all deer lures are measured, produces great results during the pre-rut and rut. Attract more deer to your chosen area and make your hunt more successful with the help of this Tink's #69 Doe-In-Rut Buck Lure. Your email address will not be published. i've tried it and sometimes it works and others it doesn't. In years past, I've put down a scent line and have had bucks follow it, nose to the ground straight to me. I thought that this would be the perfect spot to try out the Tinks 69 in a few scrapes that surrounded the stand. Tinks has a free DVD on Lures & Scent by Terry Rohm I read that it does not smell natural to deer b/c it is a mixture of both musk oils and doe estrous, and instead you should just stick with a pure doe estrous like Code Blue. It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. however, in past years i've had buck walk directly under my stand sniffing the tinks. One of the uses says to use in short burst while in the stand to let the scent be carried by the wind. One of the other scents is called 4X4 but I can't remember the others.I love playing around with scents but I have not used too much of them on the mule deer. Your email address will not be published. All of which also walked down wind of the scent. Tink’s® quality controlled formula keeps Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure at the peak level of performance. if you want to shoot a fat doe Go with Tinks# 1 Doe P Deer scent Thats a doe & buck Lure. Does the estrus scent intimidate other does? The Tinks #69 Doe-in-Rut Buck Lure is a good option for most hunters. Additional cartridges in synthetic #1 Doe-P®, synthetic Trophy Buck® and synthetic #69 Doe-In Rut scents will be available in two-packs with a hand carry case for $9.99 MSRP. Also, if your decoy has human odors, it’s a red flag that something is not right to approaching bucks. We have 3 tinks 69 scent drippers and last year we got a monster buck on the second day. I think I will stick to #69 in a bottle with scent wicks. Honestly, I hope that not all deer scents are like the Tinks 69 that I received. Tinks has its origins in the English-American language. the same thing is true with grunt calls, rattling antlers, and doe bleats. And while splashing your doe decoy with Tinks 69 works great during the rut, it’s unnatural during other phases of the season. Tink’s® #69 Doe-In-Rut® Buck Lure is America’s #1 Buck Lure! The second time (last night) a doe came in, smelled it and froze. 69 doe in estrous ever since it first became a thing to use attractants. That is to say if i put it out prior to the rut will it scare both bucks and does? They make scent canisters that you can hang a little higher than chest high that have a cotton strip that you apply the scent on. I first off want to start by saying that I normally never use scents or lures. I actually have a dead 150" on the wall because of it. Tinks is not popular as a baby name for boys.