All Discussions ... That is not taking in to account, that even a player that plays 2 days per week, can usually get to the light's level softcap and beyond by the middle of a season. Spring Season: 1360. Destiny 2 levelling guide: Max level cap and Powerful Gear, Pinnacle Gear sources explained The best ways to reach the level cap and beyond for the latest Power level increase. However, this isn’t as bad as it sounds, since there are a bunch of solid methods for increasing your strength. Destiny 2 Beyond Light just released, and players have already found a way to reach max level … Summer Season (Leading to Witch Queen): 1410. Destiny 2: Beyond Light Power Level for Raid Race Revealed. We currently don’t have weapons that reach 1410 but it’s assumed that it will be the cap for Beyond Light release weapons and armor. The best ways to increase your Light level within Destiny 2’s Beyond Light DLC are still being found and perfected. With the raid boasting a minimum Light of 1230, players will be rushing to hit the new power cap. Destiny 2. Winter Season: 1310. RELATED: Bungie Takes Aim At Destiny 2: Beyond Light's Loot Problems In Upcoming Patch Soft Cap, Hard Cap, and Pinnacle Cap In season 12, aka Season of the Hunt, there are three max-levels you will hit, at which point the activities you need to do to keep increasing your power will change. But now it is impossible to go beyond softcap not just with the old armor and weapons, but with the newly looted gear too! Bungie finally reveals long-awaited Destiny 2: Beyond Light details, like the date, time, and required Power Level… Destiny 2: Beyond Light is almost here, which means there’s a new max Power Level to grind to. Beyond Light Release: Max light level on the release of the DLC will be 1260. Starting in Season 12, new Legendary weapons and armor will have a one-year span of time (four Seasons total) that it can reach the Max Power Level through Infusion in Destiny 2, and Legendary gear introduced in previous Seasons will have a Max Power Level at the Season 11 Power Cap of 1,060. Destiny Destiny 2 Beyond Light: Hit the Level 1200 Soft Cap fast. Here's how you can get to Power level 1,200 and above as fast as possible. Legendary gear that has reached Max Power Level can still be used in most activities in Destiny 2 … Destiny 2: Beyond Light is here, and that means a new Power level grind is here too. Source: Light GG The updated and new max power level cap is 1250 and 1260 with Pinnacle gear.. This in-depth guide will discuss the various levels caps, and how to level up fast in Destiny 2 Beyond Light.