Slowest killer in game, walking at 96% speed, yes, survivors are faster than you. Thank you for reading my guide and I hope it helps you either as or against the Nurse. She is the only killer that requires the constant use of her power to move around and chase survivors. Hardest killer to play correctly, you need to be very good at predicting and reading survivors. The ones you should be using most of the time if you want to perform the best. It’s very easy to do and even easier to suck while doing it. Instead of trying to predict the survivor’s path, you blink right on top of them, to where they ”should” be, that way they won’t have enough room to juke your second blink. If you are trying to find someone and you know he is somewhat close, instead of wasting time walking around every single tree, just go away and then blink through all the trees and objects while looking behind you (180º) even if they use Urban Evasion they won’t have enough time to circle a tree to remain unseen by you. I’ll assume that you already trained and have a good muscle memory, so you know how much you have to charge the blink to get to that survivor, ok? The safe bet on this map/situation, same as when survivors have stuff to break LoS. Reveals dying Survivors’ Auras when standing within 12/24/36 metres. Did I mention that the Nurse can move between floors with the blink? 3 Tokens: Attacks put Survivors into the dying state automatically. The trauma caused by your brutal attacks makes crying for help painfully difficult. Don't even take that useless crap, balanced landing/botany knowledge/ds are much better choices. This combo is done with Anxious Gasp + Bad Man Keepsake. The DBD tier list community rankings are updated with each user submission or pick a template to create your own Dead by Daylight tier list. Situational at best but very good when it works. This article is an overview of all Flashlights featured in Dead by Daylight.For other uses, see Flashlight (disambiguation). Another must have for the Nurse and one of the best killer perks. It’s all about mindgames and make the survivor think that you are going to do A but you do B. 2 Nurse’s Calling. You can use several addons at the same time without problems, but they won't give you many benefits other than this ones: Best and worst maps (Rework needed after more testing is done in the ''recent'' maps). The Nurse The Nurse is the most unique killer of the game, her gameplay is completely different from the other killers. WARNING: Don’t use charge speed add-ons, never, ever. Survivor has stuff to lose LoS (Line of sight). She can be very stressful to play even if you are good with her unless you don't play seriously. The real mindgame, you can’t see the survivor so you have to guess where he is and where he is going. The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing. Now I’ll talk about the add-ons and combos that you can use with the Nurse and what add-ons you should avoid as her. This juke only works at long range where the survivor has more time to react to the Nurse, at close it just doesn’t work, that’s why the short blink strat applies again. If you are just moving around the map you should fully charge the blinks to cover more ground. Related Articles. If you notice that the survivor is looking at you while you are charing the blink (good survivors will do) you can fake your blink direction by looking to somewhere else while charging the blink and then move your camera fast to where you want to blink as soon as you are ready. This website is a tier list for the game Dead by Daylight. Very good defending totems, gens and hooks due to mobility. Related: Dead By Daylight: Beginner's Guide to Being a Killer. What you want to do with his perk is, use it early game to check gens, you’ll know if no one is close if the perks is not activated so you can move on to the next area without wasting time, late game you can deal with 1-2 survivors very easily, you can even triangulate survivors with whispers if you move around the perk activation point ”drawing a circle” around the survivor. When a Survivor rescues another from a Hook at least 48/40/32 metres away from you, Make Your Choice triggers and applies the Exposed Status on the rescuer for 60 seconds. Ignores every solid object, you can travel like if there is nothing in the map. Chances are that he will try to juke you either by running into you, doing a 90º turn, taking a window/pallet if close… Is he running straight without looking back? It allows you to see survivors who are far away after hooking someone, you can use this info to plan your next movement. If you have no idea of what’s on the other floor you won’t have an easy time to know where the survivor is going and how to predict him. Strong basement game due to her ability to teleport inside from far away and grab rescuers. You can also try to slug the entire team early game but you’ll lose your BBQ stacks if you do, better keep someone on the floor at all times and hook the others, don’t forget to switch the slug with other survivor, no one wants to be on the floor for several minutes and end with 1000 points, you also want his BBQ stack. The Nurse is the most unique killer of the game, her gameplay is completely different from the other killers. One of the must have perks the Nurse needs, this perks allows you to see survivors healing at 28 meters or less, due to her ability to blink through everthing, this makes you able to instatly down unaware survivors. In this part of the guide I'll talk about the current addons you can use, what they do, with real numbers instead of the confusing words the devs use for them. Removes the ability of survivors to see their teammates when they are bleeding on the floor as long as they are at 16 meters or more. Good survivors can hit great skill checks consistently so they are less affected by Ruin, but it still annoying and they will probably blow up the gens a few times while trying to hit all the great ones, no one is perfect. Grab a friend, go to a KYF match and train the maps, easy as that. A Hex that affects the Survivors’ skills at repairing Generators. Her personal Perks, Stridor, Thanatophobia, and A Nurse's Calling, allow her to decrease Survivor abilities and track them when they are injured. Highest skill ceiling and floor of all killers, can be very frustrating to play if you are not good. Killers can get caught in bear traps too, but are able to get out after 3 seconds. B: 3.78. Her power allows to ”teleport” through everything in game, which means she can’t be looped. This is an awesome perk to have as survivors will constantly be healing and many will have perks that permit even more healing attempts like Self-Care. You also have to watch the survivor to see what he does, if he just runs around, cut him with long blinks across the map, if he plays stealthy, do short blinks to its last location, you’d probably see him trying to hide. Best killer to punish cocky and over altruistic survivors. The Nurse overall benefits a lot from open maps with clear line of sight and without many buildings or complex areas. Requires good map knowledge and experience as survivor for a better performance. Id love to use it for something, The add-ons and overall ability of The Nurse have been revamped, you might wanna update this guide at some point, What about the new Surveillance? Dead by Daylight Pyramid Head Guide – Silent Hill Killer Powers, Perks, Best Add-Ons. Second tip: Use short blinks if the survivor is at short/medium range to avoid being juked instead of a single long one, if you have a good muscle memory and reflexes, there is no way a survivor can juke short blinks at that range in the open unless he outplays you completetly. July 21, 2020. Watch every survivor, what they like to do and then counter it. Best killer to punish cocky and over altruistic survivors. Survivor has stuff to lose LoS (Line of sight), Survivor has pallets/windows and stuff to lose LoS (Line of sight), The Nurse can no longer Blink through solid objects. In a public match, achieve a merciless victory with the Nurse using only her 3 unique perks.-0.1 This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Increases your maximum Blink Range by 10 meters (30 meters (first blink)) and your Blink Charge Speed by 1 second (from 2 seconds to 3 seconds). Hex: Ruin – Increasing the time it takes a su… In a public match, have at least 3 survivors … Survivor is in the open with pallets/windows close. 2. The safe bet here is, use your first blink to the last known location of the survivor, chances are that he’ll try to do the double back juke (remain stationary where he broke LoS hoping for you to try to predict and miss). Depending on where you are, the distance and the survivor you need to make a choice. Post blink fatigue can make you lose survivors easily if you don't pay attention. Let's say that I know how to play her. 5 Tokens: Grants the ability to kill Survivors by your own hand. The 4th perk leader/prove thyself? You need to train blinking into houses and second floors a lot if you want to do well here. This strategy has been proven to be very effective while chasing, survivors can’t see the nurse, since she is on another floor, and most of the time they don’t expect you to do it because it’s easy to miss and most Nurse’s don’t even try. DLC: Winter Solstice. There is a lot of misinformation about Nurse add-ons and way too many fools that say all of them are bad, which is not the case. It’s quite hard to make a ”tier” list on which maps are better since it depends on the player too, so I’ll just mention the worst maps for her, since every other map not in this list is either great, good or at least ok. By far the worst map for the Nurse, everything is a LoS breaker, even if the survivor is a rank 20 and runs randomly around the map he will be hard to catch due to the amount of rooms, walls and stuff around that makes long range spotting impossible and hiding extremely easy. Aside from the school and a few houses the rest of the map is quite good. If you see nobody, they are probably close or behind gens, but someone will be most likely close to the hook. Survivor has pallets/windows and stuff to lose LoS (Line of sight). The items remain with the player only if he manages to escape from the forest. Dead by Daylight Killers Tier List Guide – All DBD Killers, Ranked. This combo is done with Ataxic Respiration + Catatonic’s Boy Treasure. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 3 trophies. Dead by Daylight Status Effect Guide – List of What All Status Effects Do. Reduces the Blink Recovery Time from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. One could say that the counter is ”don’t heal on her terror radious”, it works but when you are blinking you move so fast that survivors don’t have time to react and you can still see them healing for a brief period of time, chances are that they will be on the same spot for your next blink. The false hope of Survivors ignites your hunger. She is focused on spotting and tracking, making it harder for Survivors to hide. Used to be the worst nightmare for the Nurse when she was unable to blink on the houses, against survivors who abused this. This newly introduced Oni is both a visually interesting and unique character. One of the best ways to delay the game and remove 25% of the survivor team for a long time. Spencer’s Last Breath allows the Nurse to charge a ”blink” that allows her to travel through the spirit’s world for a few moments. Spencer's Last Breath (What it is and how to move around). Ah yeah i see, and u right about that. Charge speed add-ons modify the speed of the blink charge and destroys your muscle memory, you won’t be able to judge distances properly when charging the blink. Please see the. Pretty much every non-dlc map is very good for her aside from certain corn-heavy Coldwind maps like Rotten Fields. If you have problems you can try a more risky but rewarding gamestyle, which is blinking on top of the survivor when they break LoS with you, it proved to be the best in every situation. A Guide For All Ranks When we speak of the potential for The Deathslinger to be an effective killer, we do so while thinking broadly of rank. If you aim center mass jukes will be less efficient, he won’t get very far from you, if you try to predict way too much he may turn in the last second and at that point he may be too far for your next blink to hit. When you charge your blink you want to close distance with the survivor, either to hit him with that blink or to be close enough to get a hit with your second or more blinks. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. You need two things to be great at sniping people between floors: 1º good blink muscle memory (I already talked about this) 2º very good map knowledge. He’ll probably keep doing that. The Nurse benefits from a wide variety of perks but certain ones are either must haves or extremely good on her. Ace Vegas 1200 1080 Auric Cells. Dead by Daylight Status Effect Guide … This list is based on ranked play so it features some popular and incredibly powerful heroes; heroes with value specifically in … Sporadically hear the Entity’s Whisper when standing within a 48/40/32 metres of a Survivor. Trail of Torment. She ignores everything on the map, can't be looped and requires constant prediction and concentration, she doesn't follow any rule and being good with other killers means nothing if you want to play her. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. The Demogorgon was a character added to Dead By Daylight just before last Halloween and attracted a bunch of new players to the scene because of the popularity of Stranger Things.The Demogorgon is an all-around good killer. The data is community based; you can give ratings to all the current killers and see the global tiers. When you are bliking you move very fast, in this state you can still turn your camera to look around and since you move faster than any survivor, you can easily spot them hiding around trees or gens if you do a 180º or 360º while blinking. There are other combos like the reduced fatigue time with the Pocket Watch + Metal Spoon but imo is not good enough to be here. Best mobility in game, since you ignore solid objects and walls. It increases a lot the movement speed of the blink and makes you very hard to juke since survivors have barely any time to react. If survivors decide to play immersed in this map, you won’t find any of them, even with Whispers is hard because they could be hiding on every room, on every corner. Dead By Daylight is an asymmetric survival horror video game developed by Behavior Interactive and published by Starbreeze studios. Dead by Daylight Killers Tier List Guide – All DBD Killers, Ranked. ... Trapper Guide DBD (Build, Tips/Tricks, and Perks) The Nurse remains one of the most powerful killers in Dead by Daylight. And who is this guy? That's pretty much it. The add-ons are pretty much self explanatory, I’ll talk about the combos mostly since most of the add-ons have downsides and need to be used with combos anyway. Add-ons (Rares, Very Rares and Ultra Rares). Very good ambush potential by blinking on top of gens from 32 meters away. DEAD BY DAYLIGHT KILLERS TIER LIST – A. Luigi's Mansion 3 Gems Guide - Every Gem Location on Floor 3 (Hotel Shops) It's a Very Good Thing the FF14 Nier Outfit Isn't Gender Locked. The Nurse moves at 96% compared to survivors, she is actually slower and would never catch up to survivors unless they are dumb. By far the best killer in game if you can play her properly. A very high risk / high reward perk that works the best with the Nurse due to her ability to end chases quickly. Pretty much every non-dlc map is very good for her aside from certain corn-heavy Coldwind maps like Rotten Fields. In this section we'll take a look at the best of the best perk for nurse. Its inspiration from traditional depiction of the infamous beings in Japanese mythology, the Oni is by no surprise a fan favorite killer. Best killer in a chase. One of the most interesting and competitive online experiences, Dead … Use it as a guide to find the best killer for your experience, skill level and preferred playstyle. Survivor is in the open, no windows/pallets close, nothing to lose LoS (Line of sight). i think it is a great perk on her. In my honest opinion, this combo is far from great and it’s only useful to ♥♥♥♥ off survivors or turn a mediocre Nurse into a good one for one match. A simple guide to help you learn the commonly used terminology found in Dead By Daylight. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Dead by Daylight. All rights reserved. You have 2 blinks by default. Very good defending totems, gens and hooks due to the already mentioned mobility. Only killer that doesn't have to fear flashlights at all, just grasp saves. While holding the blink, you can’t attack or perform any kind of interaction with anything, survivors can still blind and stun you in this state. This situations happens a lot on Lery’s since the entire map is a LoS breaker and there are windows everywhere. You see the survivor, you start charging the blink, you have 3 seconds (or less) to take a look at what the survivor is doing and the map layout. The Hillbilly. Killed 2 the first time, and killed 1 the other, almost killed 2 but the hook I put em on was a bit close to the exit xP so they got out easily once unhooked. The Nurse benefits from a wide variety of perks but certain ones are either must haves or extremely good on her. This is very simple and most people with some experience on the Nurse should know about it. It’s almost impossible to juke a good Nurse with 3 blinks but a god/great Nurse will benefit more from Omegablink. Sally Smithson was driven to madness after witnessing horrific acts of barbarism and inhumanity working for decades in an asylum, and now you can put yourself in her shoes to kill a few unworthy survivors intruding in her domain. It takes around 200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. This guide is nice, though trying to fool the killer works against everyone not only the nurse. Brutal Strength – Being able to smash through pallets faster makes the Trapper and even better chaser. Is the most broken combo and extremely strong on good hands. It’s also the only counter to the hatch standoff, if the survivor is not close to the hatch, he won’t escape a good Nurse who knows how to use Whispers. This is a basic preview of what you can expect from the Nurse, what she’s good and bad at. As a beginner, most Survivors aren’t thinking of ways to make the Killer disconnect or Rage Quit, or how quickly gen rush without accidently three-genning themselves. Your field of view is moderately/considerably/tremendously wider than normal. Blinking on top of the survivor doesn’t always work beacuse he may take windows, in this situation you are at disadvantage and you have to completely guess where the survivor is going. Also be careful with the downsides of the add-ons, if you are going to use an add-on that increases something but decreases something else as a downside, don’t forget to use a common addon to compensate this downside, that’s the only situation where you may want to use charge speed. This is the easiest situation you can be on, the survivor has nothing to fight you, he can only juke you with his skill.