As a German Shepherd owner, you will know only too well how delicate their stomachs can be. Now signs were posted Curb your DOg and vigilantes are reporting. Of course, controlling can then also refer to: The original phrase mostly referred to the topic of dog waste, so it’s important to consider how that applies today. If 'curb your dog' meant 'steer it towards the kerb to do its (ahem) business' you would cry out "kerb your dog". 25 Bad Foods! Of course your one dog’s excrement won’t ruin the city, but dog feces do carry E.coli. Dear Dog Relieved Itself on Public Pole Inciting Neighbor’s Gall: Curbing your dog means picking up his poop, preventing him from peeing on your neighbor’s gladiolas, and just generally being conscientious about all matters of pup’s excretion. It may help to know why this term became part of our language. What is the meaning of curb your dog in Condo in Suffolk county? There’s the original meaning (to cause to keep near the curb: Curb your dog.) Get fast shipping. It also means to pick up your dog's crap when they are away from your property. ‘Curb Your Dog’ Takes On New Meaning with PetSmart & Exceptional Pets By Lisa Johnston - 09/09/2020 Get great content like this right in your inbox. The first use of this phrase dates back to the 1930s in New York. I kept my dog and I on the curb and was very surprised when someone yelled ‘curb your dog’ when my four-legged friend simply sniffed at their feet. It also means to pick up your dog's crap when they are away from your property. If one looks at language, ‘curb’ could also refer to ‘controlling’. What has become the most important is cleaning up after your dog. A dry nose doesn't always mean your dog is sick, but it does indicate … They may be critical of any of your dog’s actions and to ensure a healthy environment for all it is important to make sure you don’t add to the waste problem of your city. – ‘do it in the road’: Here: There is also the gentle reminder to, “Curb your dog!” meaning “Please have your dog do its business at the side of the road.” Here: To lead (a dog) off the sidewalk into the gutter so that it can excrete waste. But the longer message, at least since the 1970s, has been “Take your dog to the curb, where it will presumably do its business in the street, after which you will pick up any solid matter and dispose of it.” Hi Mickigee, 'Curb your Dog' can have several meanings; when walking your dog on a city street or areas where people walk on the sidewalk, owners need to prevent their dogs from doing their 'business' in/near buildings, sidewalks, public parks and walkways, in other words, make sure your dog eliminates closest to the curb as possible, so people won't step in it. Sounds funny, and I am sure you’d agree I did look a bit foolish. One such expression is ‘curb your dog’…. I hadn’t heard this expression before, until I moved to a new city and was walking my dog for the first time locally. A ‘curb your dog’ sign in a street may refer to not allowing it to mess on the sidewalk while in a 'Punky Brewster': New cast pic, Peacock premiere date. With multiple meanings it’s clear why different people and communities could have different perspectives on this. $3.00 coupon applied at checkout Save $3.00 with coupon. It will learn to leave poo in spots where you can easily pick it up and where you’ll get the least number of frowns from passersby. Curb actually means to check or restrain behavior. The signage does not appear to be a recent trend; in fact, according to, the move began in the 1930s in New York City as a way to keep sidewalks clean. According to Urban Dictionary, “Curb Your Dog” has two meanings: One meaning is to keep your dog under control and out of trouble, i.e. Signs have rounded corners and burr-free corners for safe handling, longer life and a … There were no curbs inside the grassy area. In the street? curb your dog. Order now! The idea of the phrase “curb your dog” is believed to have its origin in the fact that if dogs walked on the curb, then their waste would fall there where it could be picked up by the cleaners. link to How Do I Know If My German Shepherd is Pregnant? I teach my dogs (2 large dogs) to go to the curb and do their business along the curb but safely on the sidewalk. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc". What does curb your dog mean? Dog curbing laws have been on the books of most states since the mid-1900's, with New York City leading the way in 1937. If your dog is anything like mine, it usually decides to ‘go’ where it shouldn’t. I just want to assure you that I’m working with Sonny to be as inconspicuous as possible in his bathroom habits…”. The problem is that people view situations differently. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 18. Since dogs also enjoy lifting their legs against objects like buildings, the idea was to communicate that dog owners must ensure their canines do all their business away from the spaces where people walked. Sometimes it's through use of a bit for a horse, or a leash for a dog. Our Curb Your Dog Signs are made from heavy-duty, 40 mil thick aluminum. + Signs & Stages. The phrase ‘Curb Your Dog’ originated in the 1930’s in New York City. Most adults "curb" their own behavior through self control. Today two bicyclists were coming toward us on the street, so I quickly got on the sidewalk. But the longer message, at least since the 1970s, has been “Take your dog to the curb, where it will presumably do its business in the street, after which you will pick up any solid matter and dispose of it.” CIGERA Please Curb Your Dog,No Pooping and No Peeing Dog Sign with Stake,16x12.5 Inch Rust Free Metal Yard Warning Sign,Great for Home and Business. There are signs everywhere with the request, “Curb your dog.” It means that owners cannot allow their pets to soil buildings, nor can a dog make a nuisance of himself on the grass of the parkway or on the sidewalk. People see the curb your dog sign in NYC, Long Island, Chicago, and more… and some will need clarity on what it means. Be smart and train your dog to only defecate where it will be acceptable. However, there are some tips that breeders use to help them tell if a... What Foods Are Bad, Poisonous, & Toxic to German Shepherds? Of course, you’re not going to take your dog to poo in the street, since these days there are cars running by and no horses leaving their waste there. For now, avoid dog walks through Arlington National Cemetery and the New York Fire Hydrant Museum and you’ll probably be well within the boundaries of etiquette. Customer Service My Account Header Search (800) 952-1457 Mon - Fri 8:00am to 7:00pm EST. If you mean 'stop it yapping' or 'stop it sniffing the genitalia of folk standing there quietly' you might call out "curb your dog", but in England it would make no difference as it sounds much the same and in England dogs rank higher than humans anyway, and the owners would … For the latter, it basically means to always pick up the poop. curb your dog. Curb your dog means to take your dog to the curb when it has to urinate or defecate rather than allowing it to soil lawns or sidewalks. The thing is, we live in a society where people have different perceptions, so we won’t always agree on everything. CURB YOUR DOG The benefits of urine Dogs love to pee. Aside from the obvious upside, urine serves as a sort of fingerprint in the dog world. (i.e., Since dogs cannot control themselves, you need to control the aftermath for them.) Let me explain. Avoiding trees is particularly important because the urine can damage trees and flowers. Some may enjoy the attention of a dog saying ‘hallo’ by sniffing their feet, while others don’t want dogs near them. Unlike steel signs, our aluminum signs do not rust. When you are told to curb your dog, it means to either keep it under control and on a leash, or to ensure its excrement doesn’t soil public areas. So what does “curb your dog” mean today in NYC or any big city? Regulations then stated that people were required to take their dogs to the curb so it can soil in the street or the gutter, not the sidewalk. ‘Curb Your Dog’ Takes On New Meaning with PetSmart & Exceptional Pets By Lisa Johnston - 09/09/2020 Get great content like this right in your inbox. What does curb your dog mean? Another law that helped the phrase to evolve was the Pooper-Scooper Law. Curbing your dog means picking up his poop, preventing him from peeing on your neighbor’s gladiolas, and just generally being conscientious about all matters of … ROUNDED CORNERS. Signs last up to 7 years outside. It’s not... All of the advice and content on this website is written from my own personal perspective of owning and caring for dogs over the last few years. Preventing them from harassing others—people or dogs—while in the park or walking in the streets. We all know that sometimes we need to compromise or abide by the rules to ensure an organized community. I write about the things I've learned about owning a dog, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. To get to the park I had to walk down a few streets. But it’s just a little dog poo! I have a neighbor who harasses me on a weekly basis about my dog. How Do I Know If My German Shepherd is Pregnant? Knowing whether your German Shepherd is pregnant or not isn’t always easy, particular during the early stages of pregnancy. Please always consult with your vet if you have any concerns about your dog. Subscribe. What can it do? Dog owners to management with warnings and fines. keep your dog leashed and/or confine to your property as to keep them from causing trouble for others. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to with recommendations. The only one that actually makes sense is #1 as “curb” means to control. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. I just moved here and I feel like I’ve given the impression that I don’t care about others in the community. So why at the curb? The DoggySaurus website works as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. It is a commonly cited fact that if your dog's nose is dry they are sick. 4.8 stars from 2,860 reviews. And I may notice it too late to take the dog to the physical curb. You may have to err on the side of caution and rather keep your dog away from everyone as far as possible. For the latter, it basically means to always pick up the poop. When all the dogs in the city can simply mess where they want, it could cause a problem for the urban environment. Free Shipping for orders of $29.95 and more. Therefore, it was acceptable for animal waste to be in the street, but people wanted their sidewalks clean. In the case of inmates their behavior is curbed by prison walls & guards. We were near the curb, but I don’t want to walk in the street, so what more was I supposed to do? How is this better? 99. This website is not intended to replace the professional advice of vets. Now that you know about this topic, you may notice many signs around your neighborhood referring to curbing. THe initial by laws stated to be responsible and pick up and any damage would be assumed by the owner. 4.4 out of 5 stars 33. To support this motion to keep sidewalks and buildings clean, signs were placed everywhere with the phrase ‘curb your dog’. To “curb” your dog simply means that you steer her toward the street to eliminate. The smallest drop of urine contains information about the age, gender, rank and temperament of your dog. A ‘curb your dog’ sign in a street may refer to not allowing it to mess on the sidewalk while in a Any residue will at least be taken care of by street sweepers and not stick to the shoes of those using the sidewalk. Sure, ideally our dogs would deposit only in designated doggie dumpers — and then they’d wipe and wash up. Trendsetters that they are, New Yorkers came up with a novel solution—New York State Public Health Law 1310, formally known as the Canine Waste Law. This phrase typically appears on signs in urban areas as a reminder of public sanitation laws requiring dog owners to clean up droppings from property other than their own. Susie adopts the dog for companionship when she briefly separates from Jeff. A: The short message conveyed by the words “Curb Your Dog” is “Take your dog to the curb.” That’s the literal meaning. Someone frowning at you for allowing your dog to mess in public—like a park—is probably hoping you have a bag on hand to clean up afterward. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Is it wrong for my dog to pee at the stop sign? In 1978, New York actually saw dog waste as a health and environmental concern. For example, are you one of those dog owners who get frowns from all around when in public areas and you’re not even sure why? Oscar was the German Shepherd dog on Curb Your Enthusiasm owned by Larry’s friends Jeff and Susie Green. Pet retailers are making it easier for consumers to stock up on essentials for their four-legged family members during the pandemic. A curb is the concrete edging along the street. Use the same way you taught your canine—usually with positive reinforcement—to mess outside and not inside the house. The matter got even more complicated when I saw a sign on the park entrance saying, ‘curb your dog’. You can read more about it on the American Kennel Club website: “The city was struggling, out of cash, and riddled with crime. link to What Foods Are Bad, Poisonous, & Toxic to German Shepherds? But with all the animal-related issues to get your bike basket in a bunch about, peeing on a sign pole should hardly register, even on the petiquette-o-meter. Is that not “curbing my dog”? Curb actually means to check or restrain behavior. It means not allowing them to urinate near buildings, in the middle of sidewalks, or on trees. This prompted a law that demanded all dog excrement in public areas be picked up and discarded of properly. The bicyclist yelled, “Thanks for curbing your dog, neighbor.” He then repeated it twice, and not in a kind way. – ‘do it in the road’: Here: There is also the gentle reminder to, “Curb your dog!” meaning “Please have your dog do its business at the side of the road.” Here: To lead (a dog) off the sidewalk into the gutter so that it can excrete waste. The word “curb” has no definition that means to pick up after something, although it can indirectly imply cleaning up after the misbehavior of your own dog. See more. A dry nose doesn't always mean your dog is sick, but it does indicate an underlying issue such as an allergy or irritant. For many people ‘curbing your dog’ is a quick way to say ‘keep your dog under control’. The lovely canine is a retired police dog that was used to sniff for corpses. There’s the original meaning (to cause to keep near the curb: Curb your dog.) keep your dog leashed and/or confine to your property as to keep them from causing trouble for others. Sometimes I get yelled at. Curb definition, a rim, especially of joined stones or concrete, along a street or roadway, forming an edge for a sidewalk. A few of the laws outlined here are general ones, and are adaptable everywhere. Curb your dog means your dog must be under your control and must defecate and urinate in the street and not on your neighbor's sidewalk, lawn or property, i.e, walk the dog between the curbs. Something needed to be done because New York had many dog owners and locals were becoming perturbed about all the dog waste ruining their sidewalks and the areas close to buildings. Now, even though times have changed, the words stuck. A dry dog nose can quickly go from bad to worse, drying out and forming crusty scabs that flake off and bleed. Remember, not all people are dog lovers. This insures her safety by keeping her close to the sidewalk and away from traffic, but also keeps your neighborhood clean. This phrase typically appears on signs in urban areas as a reminder of public sanitation laws requiring dog owners to clean up droppings from property other than their own. + Signs & Stages. A: The short message conveyed by the words “Curb Your Dog” is “Take your dog to the curb.” That’s the literal meaning. The problem comes when some of these rules are unspoken or not as clear as people think they are. A ‘curb your dog’ sign in a street may refer to not allowing it to mess on the sidewalk while in a park it could mean leashes are mandatory. This is how deep dog graves need to be dug! It is a commonly cited fact that if your dog's nose is dry they are sick. This is the law in many large cities and it is common … " Curb" in this case means to keep your dog in the street, adjacent to the curb, specifically while evacuating. And no, it doesn't mean you have to walk your pet in the street. While there, Sonny peed at the stop sign pole. Analyze the sign based on this information. Can my dog pee on the sidewalk in NYC? Relative of woman trampled at Capitol blames Trump In the case of inmates their behavior is curbed by prison walls & guards. Meanwhile, D.R.I.P.P.I.N.G., keep scooping that poop and doing your best to see that Sonny isn’t soiling private property. Some people will still mean that your dog should defecate at the curb, but leaving the poo in the gutters is not the norm anymore. 'Curb your dog' can also mean to keep your dog on the leash and in full control at all times, while you're out walking him. 25 Bad Foods! Relative of woman trampled at Capitol blames Trump Or, as it’s affectionately called today, the Poop Scoop Law.” (view source). The ideal place for her to go is in the street, just off the curb. There are People that don’t want your dog to pee on … According to, one use of the word “curb” as a verb is: to cause to keep near the curb: Curb your dog. It means a lot of things; to walk your dog on the side that faces the curb, to only let it relieve itself in the gutter, and to hold the leash so your dog is clearly under your control. $15.99 $ 15. One of the big reasons dogs pee on the curb, a sidewalk, a post or on the grass or wherever place, has mainly to do if they can smell another dog … Now, in the 21st century, in most cases it will be one of the following. Michael: It’s commonly understood as taking your dog as close to the curb as you can get. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. Sometimes it's through use of a bit for a horse, or a leash for a dog. Its streets, once fabled for being paved with gold, were encrusted with dog waste, an estimated 500,000 pounds of it a day. Dog Relieved Itself on Public Pole Inciting Neighbor’s Gall. It also means that if someone yells the phrase at you, you’ll need to look at the context in order to make sure you don’t offend again—or you can decide whether someone is just being oversensitive. A dry dog nose can quickly go from bad to worse, drying out and forming crusty scabs that flake off and bleed.