If you're by a coin-operated Nesquik vending machine, next time you need a cool, refreshing chocolate milk, try using this code for a free drink: 44455544455. [56] By 2000, the number of vending machines in Japan have grown to 5.6 million. [17] The BeMoved machine also has a motion-sensitive video camera that can take an image of the user and remember the user's coffee preferences via personal profile settings, as well as an interactive video game named Shoot-Em-Up, which involves jumping in front of the machine while the camera and software coordinate the jumping with the video game play. The one permit will apply to all machines located in Iowa. A stamp vending machine is a mechanical, electrical or electro-mechanical device which can be used to automatically vend postage stamps to users in exchange for a pre-determined amount of money, normally in coin. [4], The first modern coin-operated vending machines were introduced in London, England in the early 1880s, dispensing postcards. )