CONTENTS: -LIST OF ATTACHMENTS THE GAME SHOULD HAVE -LIST OF ATTACHMENTS THE GAME COULD HAVE -EXAMPLES FOR STATS OF THE … The Compensator helps in enhance the recoil control, but not by a lot, which means that you would require some practice with it. In Call of Duty: Warzone, recoil control reduces vertical recoil, while stabilization reduces horizontal recoil. Attach Show More. For vertical recoil control, stick to the compensators (Muzzle Brake 9, Infantry Compensator, SOCOM Eliminator), just keep an eye on the decrease in horizontal recoil control and shooting move speed. Muzzle. Attach Tactical Suppressor. Blueprints Black Bear Most of these attachment ideas are inspired from either CoD:MW or Siege. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The Compensator is an attachment that appears in Call of Duty: Ghosts and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Compensator - Muzzle … Muzzle – Compensator. Anything that capitalizes on high ROF, because those guns eat through ammo easily and you want your "extended sprays" to be accurate. Read this Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2020 & Warzone guide to learn more about the attachment Compensator! Welcome to the new GameRevolution community platform. The muzzle brake is the best recoil reducing attachment for it while the compensator sucks ass. Learn about this gunsmith, unlock level! It reduces horizontal recoil, but has no idle sway control and is slow when aiming down sight. ... GS from my tests. Compensator: P90, FMG9, MP7, F2, AK12 etc. In Call of Duty: Warzone, recoil control reduces vertical recoil, while stabilization reduces horizontal recoil.When comparing the need for recoil control vs… If you don’t care about stealth, then this is a great addition to the AK-47. Modern Warfare ... Black Ops 4 WWII Infinite Warfare Black Ops 3 Fortnite VALORANT Apex Legends Destiny 2 Call of Duty Rainbow Six Teamfight Tactics Hyper Scape Halo: MCC Rocket League Battlefield ... Muzzle Brake. Muzzle Brake. muzzle brake vs compensator mw Home; Uncategorized; muzzle brake vs compensator mw I have compared many guns with the Muzzle Break and Compensator and I have not found any guns that benefit from using the Muzzle Break. This muzzle attachment reduces your vertical recoil. Some attachments like the compensator would mitigate horizontal recoil, which as of now has to be implemented properly (((imo))). January 13 Weapon Changes - Nerfs & Buffs. Unlike a suppressor, the compensator doesn’t suppress as much noise and also adds a +1 frame of Aim Down Sight. This muzzle reduces recoil and stabilizes your weapon for a sustained rate of fire. Together, the two will reduce both horizontal and vertical recoil. Flash hider: UMP-45, Sig 552, L85, etc. Muzzle. muzzle brake or compensator warzone. Compensator. 1 Call of Duty: World at War 2 Call of Duty: Ghosts 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 Trivia 4.1 Call of Duty: Ghosts The Compensatorwas cut from the final version ofCall of Duty: World at War. Add a photo to this gallery "Recoil Compensator … It was cut from Call of Duty: World at War. Comunicación Social Muzzle brake is the de facto "best" attachment for DMR and pistol but I would avoid it for everything else. 20 de enero, 2021 .