Steven on a 20lb Yellowtail. For comparison, i use 6lb braid for trout and bream on a 2000 reel, use 10lb braid for flathead, pinkie, whiting, squid on 2500 reel. This is why anglers often only need to use up to 20lb braid (or line class mono outfits) inside the bay; because there are less yellowtail kingfish and less big spangled emperor inside the bay and very few amberjack in bay waters. Here's a small yellow tail I caught with mono over braid, without any slippage. .I don't get too involved in line whether braided, mono, fluro or p-line. The time is almost here. Big Nigiri Member. Hi Guys I normally use 2000 size reels loaded with 8lb mono to flick tassie, Celta’s and the odd hard body lure. I also like mono for fishing certain treble-hooked lures like diving and lipless crankbaits. it doesn't get eaten up by the saltwater as quick. I am a old mono guy myself . I don’t know what the opposite of a hot stick is called, but I was it. He attaches the fluoro leader to one of the swivel eyes and a 40-pound fluorocarbon loop to the third. BD Outdoors is a growing, passionate online fishing community providing in-depth, fishing reports, fishing gear Would this be a suitable change, ... ↳ Yellowtail Kingfish Fishing ↳ Game Fishing ↳ Bait ↳ Fish ID ↳ General Salt Water Fishing; Thread starter Big Nigiri; Start date Sep 2, 2018; B. It makes it impractical (and costly) to fill most reels with braid. Is this true? I usually put about a 3 1/2 foot cut of the Bullbuster 20lb floro then tie a small yellowtail pink or chartreuse jig head very light weight...1/8 oz. Join us as we discuss the purpose of a fishing leader line, the pros and cons of monoflament and fluorocarbon fishing leaders. It is easy to handle and safer than braid, key considerations when teaching youngsters to fish. Picking a lively bait, using an appropriately sized hook, getting the bait in the water with minimal stress, learning to feel what the bait is doing the entire time while walking the bait away from the boat and away from the pile of other nose hooked bait (which seems to be the preferred method on party boats) those baits just do a cricle and come back under the boat. 65lb braid compares to 20-25lb mono (depending on mono brand; I use Maxima as a baseline for my calculations, there are thinner lines for given BS) Your reel takes about 125yd of 12lb (.32mm) mono. After almost getting spooled by a marlin on my SX(30lb rig) earlier this season I decided to switch to braid to a 3-5ft 30lb flouro topshot for the extra line capacity. When you say braid to short fluoro, how short? you literally just described me experience this past Monday on an overnight trip outta HM. But it can be difficult to mount on a spinning reel. Good connections for braid to mono are important, you have to know your knots. It makes it tougher for bass to "throw" the lures during the fight. The biggest difference being that braid floats and mono sinks. i do find with braid in 8lb fireline after a while it goes brittle i just rip off 10 … There, the stretch offered by mono is an advantage. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I started using this knot on 40-50lb braid with 20-30lb mono leaders with no issues. For live bait I've fished all three ways, staight mono, spectra to floro and spectra to mono to floro and yes there are subtle differences. Often people think their bait is taking line and going away from the boat when it is actually the current pulling line and thier bait is having a party under the boat. Great tutorial, the finger wrap was the final adjustment I … I fish on a private boat and normally land the most fish or close to it and this trip I just could not get bit like I was used to. Maybe because they can see the braid. Passengers should bring a 25# live bait rod and a 40# yo-yo jig/dropper loop outfit. ; Double Albright Knot – Considered to be stronger than the Albright, but it is more challenging to complete in comparison. I've noticed that when less than 4 feet is used, the fish seem to shy away from the bait. Southern California Offshore Fishing Reports, Southern California Inshore & Islands Fish Reports. SoCal yellowtail anglers prefer braid because it quickly slices through kelp, a favorite hiding place for those Pacific brawlers. Here in SoCal saltwater it’s more common to use stronger braid backing with weaker mono or fluoro leader. If you're simply just want to change the mono line onto a braid, then first decide what do you want/use the 2000 reel for, and get the lightest braid line you think you can get away with. Reports are coming in of bluefin and albies 150 miles out of SD, and this weekend could be the opener for … Stretch braid tight, and it "cuts" very easily. I fish as often as possible, understand the little things, never really had a problem getting bit.. except this past trip. On a side note, to fish straight spectra to mono successfully it helps to make sure your drags are set accordingly, you have a reel that has smooth drags that will pull consistently and preferably a longer rod wich will in combination with smooth drags absorb the shoock when the fish make sudden moves. I’ve been hearing lots of people say that a long mono top shot to fluoro or a long fluoro top shot gets bit better. Reply. bass fishing, and deer hunting, Subscribe here to get the latest updates news on all things fishing right to your inbox. I still like mono for more game fishing style stuff but i do have half half . When a hard-charging fish lunges, that stretch acts as a cushion, preventing snapped lines or pulled hooks. If the bait is anchovies you'll want smaller (about size 2) hooks, but in general there will be sardines. As I said before, make sure your mono top shot fills the reel to the top of the spool, which will help keep the spool diameter full on deep drops. With practice, lots of practice, most people can cast braided line better than mono because it has no memory and goes through the rod guides better. Guys around me getting bit while I was left without bendo. You can lock down a drag with mono, but need to back off with braid due to it's lack of stretch. For this reason, braided fishing line nowadays is made of manmade materials, usually materials like Spectra, Dacron, and Micro-Dyneema, among a few others. I heard that mono gets pushed off the reel and braid gets pulled off the reel? Their sportfishing trips will be targeting Yellowtail, Bonito, Bass and Rockfish at the Coronado Islands! Yes, you can just fill up the reel with a mono line. Poor knots are going to loose fish and tackle. I have found when fishing in shallow water using braid, as a fish runs and I go to strike then it rips the hook out of the fish’s mouth, as the braid has no stretch. The 65lb braid I use presently is as thin as 16lb mono. So it should take (roughly mind you, as braid packs a little better so you may get a bit more on) Of course, I use it for floating topwater baits because I don't want a highly visible line (braid) or a line that sinks (fluorocarbon). The last few seasons I have been using braid with a short flouro leader. overhead outfits, 10-15kg braid or mono line and 15kg leader. I bought a used BX-500 at the same time that came with 60lb hollow braid filled to the brim. You can get more yards of braid line on a reel since it's thinner but a mahi pitch rod wouldn't need miles of line. I usually run 30’ of fluoro with good results sometimes but I want to start using long mono to short fluoro but I can’t bring myself to start cutting off braid.