8 … Black Desert BDO Witch/Wizard Succession or Awakening Posted April 2, 2020 alext96 This is going to be a pretty short and informative guide to make a quick summary of what I think about Witch and Wizard regarding Succession and Awakening in both PvE and PvP. Most Witch/Wizard skills do enough damage on their own to not require combos in PvE. If you are able to reach the same Pre-awakening AP with Kzarka, you are better off using it as the higher the gear, the more accuracy can benefit you. Wizard: Awakening. Percent casting speeds (buffs, Mind Training) will stack on top of integer numbers (+1,+2,etc). After that, it’s probably about time to either go for DUO accessories, TRI armor, or your first boss piece. Wizard: Awakening. I Nodi di BDO sono rappresentati da icone sulla mappa di gioco che compariranno … Gorr is the rock golem and Marg is the fire golem/demon/thing. In exchange for the casting time delay, they can perform large-scale magical attacks. S+C to switch + teleport can be very useful. These are the brackets which I recommend people who obtained offin to use. You can switch your addons around by either using memory fragments or by having  Cliff’s skill add-on guide (Pearl item) at the skill manager. So far, no one has tested and published data between the two (it would be very hard to test a difference). The only thing to take notice is that you should not be getting Red coral earrings as part of your main build. PvE Performance & Grind Goals. Witch and Wizard have shared skills until awakening. The advanced section will go over specific builds for specific situations, intricate PVP combos, and some other more difficult tricks. You can be a brain dead Witch/Wizard and just blindly roll AoEs at groups, or you can master your skills and actually get good. It’s fast, but you will be interrupting your combat flow (not skill flows) and it doesn’t do much damage. This is corroborated by accuracy testing, showing that TET boss has ~10% dodge with Muskan’s, which would mean you are getting hit no matter what anyway so more DR would help you more. They are useful in that they can block incoming hits since they sometimes will draw auto targeting skills towards them. Is Witch/Wizard Class right for me? Area Agris Loot Scroll 241-260 Kutum / … Wizard Gosphy can be exchanged with all pet Types. Levels in BDO are similar to most MMORPG’s. Healing aura, Healing Lighthouse, Mana Absorption, Teleport, Mind Training, Sage’s Memory, and Speed Spell are the important utility skills to get. Inflicts 42 Bleeding Damage per 3 sec. I personally feel that Witch and Wizards, are low skill floor, yet high skill ceiling class. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/395004514186297344/565166434205040650/ecd7035c80d4bf356d51a0929cbd0c58.png. Max HP +100 for 5 min. Then it’s just a matter of knowing which of your skills have flows and do big  damage, and using those skills when they’re off cooldown. Recommend to get this as high as possible for faster grinding and movement on battlefields. Enabling use mouse movements will allow you to direct some skills by pushing ctrl mid cast, and clicking where you want to direct spells https://youtu.be/eXI80sKSuA8 as shown here. Also, remember that certain skills from preawakening can be hotkeyed and used without switching weapons. Progression from here is pen weapons into pen armours, Muskan -> Dim -> Leebur, Witch (and other DR style classes such as valk, warrior, zerker or if you just don’t want to go evasion), https://bdoplanner.com/CantusaSkunkyTrader. 31/12/2020 Our class is more about using the skill appropriate to the situation, and then following up on it if we happen to cc. Video format that explains witch’s awakening skills, Shows you the differences between pre-awakened and the new absolute skills, Efficient Absolute skill usage – scroll to witch/wiz. 10048. Jail – Also PvE, Best source of mob AP in the awake kit, Cata – PvP, Best self buffs % evasion is always busted, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/395004514186297344/565171816172355594/574b46faf7a2083b44e0580a9ad958be.png, https://gyazo.com/c2b01dbadb9bae86ddc7d31ace96eab7, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/395004514186297344/567033379938238487/unknown.png. Naru Gear is easier than any other gear to enhance. Das MMORPG Black Desert bietet euch 19 verschiedene Klassen. 5 Casting Speed is recommended at all combat times. Az’s general fail stacks based on nothing but picking random points that may or may not be efficient: TO BE CLEAR: The only difference between PVE And PVP is that you do not take PVP damage and movement speed debuff addons if you are 100% PVE FOCUSED. For tips and tricks to improve your loot visit our guide here. 01/07/2020. A289 D338 ダメ減ビルド スコア[5952 5936] 接戦でした ※音の編集はまだ勉強中なのでミュートしてみてください。 10048. Period: February 12 (after maintenance)–March 4 (09:00 UTC) Adventurers who reach a certain level with their Witch and Wizard characters during the event period can obtain rewards below via the Challenge tab (Y)! 42 minute video on how to to be a wizard. How to life skill: how do I do life skills?? Most of your skills will be multi-hit, meaning the damage is split up between multiple strikes of the same attack. The melee pets will stay closer to you and have to close in on enemies to attack. Many stats are hidden, including the damage you deal, and even whether your attacks miss or hits. Stay abreast of legislative change, learn about emerging issues, and turn insight into action. bdo wizard succession guide 2020. The following is previous suggestions: 1x TRI: Red Coral Earring, along with Bheg’s Gloves, and Kzarka Staff is generally recommended to reach an optimal level of accuracy for PvP. You can select up to 3 pre awakened skills and up to 3 awakened skills (all unlocked at level 60). You can make your character look like anything you want, from a rainbow bright complexion to a celebrity look alike. Awakening: S: B: D: A: D: C: Succession : S: S: S: S: A+: S: Please find a Glossary of our terms here to clarify terms such as “PvE Easy”. Blackburn’s Wizard Skill Rotation Guide ( youtube ), Lyaah’s Witch Duels (Check out his channel for more!) Absolute skills are an extra level on top of unawakened staff skills. Enable use mouse movements, and use auto-align quickslots http://imgur.com/a/MuFR5 here in settings. – When you go for your first piece of boss gear, Bheg’s, Kzarka, Dandelion, and Kutum if you are primarily PVE are all top priority options. Witch Succession PVE Guide – BDO Aug.2020 [Eng Sub] NEW!! Will be re-written. The last one can either be made up by an ultimate green staff, or an Ancient Magic Crystal – Addis. Table of Contents1 Processing Introduction2 Basic of Mass Processing and How It Works With Mastery3 Mass Processing vs. There is no BIS set/build. The skill we recommend you to have for damage: At level 56, after completing the awakening quest you will receive a reward from black spirit to reset your skills. Wizard: Sage’s + Fireball – situationally used, can be taken on preference, Witch: Sage’s + Lightning – situationally used, can be taken on preference, Swift Earthquake: Does slightly more damage, slightly faster, Trembling Thunder: Super armor slow, SA lasts longer because it’s slower. This is Gorr (Witch) or Marg (Wizard). I personally find that the ranged pets are better for PvE, since they won’t get in the way and the ranged attack can reach farther, allowing the pet to finish off the last few mobs you might have missed. Witch & Wizard 1v1 Guide ... with struggling a bit in high-end zones, but again one of the best clearers in PVE and one for the best classes in Guild Wars. – Pushing s+c will allow you to teleport and switch weapon stances simultaneously. Leveling Guide 59 – 60 (Questing – Fastest) New. Analysis from BDO UK shows that private equity-backed businesses increased business revenues by an average of 53% and employment by 43% over the last five years. The 0-200 AP Guide found on discord is still the most up to date. This includes tamer pets and witch/wizard summons.