The archaeological site is a rare example of an 18th-century Virginia industrial enterprise. Augustine Washington Jr. married Anne Aylett at "Nominy Plantation." Line: 24 She was the daughter and coheiress of William Aylett of Westmoreland County, Virginia. Function: require_once. Dr. Earl Johnson Jr. told Action News Jax his father, Earl Johnson Sr., represented Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. following Dr. King’s arrest in St. Augustine. Augustine Washington, Sr was born 1694 in Westmoreland, Westmoreland County, Virginia, United States to Lawrence Washington (1659-1698) and Mildred Warner (1671-1701) and died 23 April 1743 inFerry Farm, King George County, Virginia, United States of unspecified causes. 5th Generation President George Washington and his wife Martha Dandridge (Washington) did not have any children. ... Jr. (d. 1777). Soon after the death of his father, George would live with his half brother Augustine Washington Jr. (Austin) in order to pursue an education at the Henry Williams School in Westmoreland County. Jane Butler (1699-1729) Spouse. Lawrence Washington, Sr. 11. View John Augustine Washington's memorial on Fold3. Augustine Washington Jr. (1720 - 1783) was an American revolutionary, soldier, politician, and farmer. He married Jane Butler (1699-1728) 1715 . Jane Augusta Washington, b. Apr 1740, Pope's Creek, Westmoreland, Virginia , d. Oct 1833 (Age ~ 93 years) Born at the Pope’s Creek According to the Gregorian calendar that’s used up to the present day, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. 2. George Washington did not inherit much wealth or land, but his father did pass on to him the Washington family’s status as members of the landed gentry and its commitment to public service. Augustine Washington 1889 Louisiana His first assignment was a land survey of 22 acres at Popes Creek. Line: 208 "She was the daughter and coheiress of William Aylett of Westmoreland County, Virginia.. Burial: George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Colonial Beach, … The estate, originally called Little Hunting Creek Plantation, consisted of about 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares). This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Anne Pope 10. (G5-01) Butler Washington (1715 - Bef. 1736 - 1809) (G5-04) Jane Washington (1721 - 1734) (G5-05) President George Washington (02/22/1730-12/14/1799) Colonel Augustine Washington, Jr. (1720-1764) was the second and youngest son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother.. Augustine married Anne (or Ann) Aylett who was born in 1726 at "Nominy Plantation. Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/index.php "She was the daughter and coheiress of William Aylett of Westmoreland County, Virginia. ?oldid=25704. They are both buried is the same common grave. Lapset. Th… Augustine decided instead to keep the Popes Creek property and so George got the property now known as Mount Vernon. This table sets out the ancestry of President George Washington for four generations, numbered according to the Ahnentafelgenealogical numbering system. Genealogy for William Augustine Washington, Jr. (1804 - 1830) family tree on Geni, with over 200 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. 1. Line: 478 He played a vital role for the Virginia Colony at the Constitutional Conventions during the Revolutionary War. Augustine lived in 1910, at address , Louisiana. Line: 192 "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence." Line: 107 Augustine Washington was born on January 13, 1720 in Bridge's Creek, King George, Virginia, Verenigde Staten, son of Captain Augustine Washington and Mary Ball. Function: view, "George Washington Birthplace National Monument - The Memorial Mansion", "Historical Marker Database: Accokeek Iron Furnace", Photo of Augustine Washington II's grave marker, 1788–89 United States presidential election, Samuel Osgood House (First Presidential Mansion), Alexander Macomb House (Second Presidential Mansion), General George Washington Resigning His Commission, Washington and Jefferson National Forests, Washington–Rochambeau Revolutionary Route, Thornton Augustine Washington (1854–1935), George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Children of Augustine, Jr. & Ann (Aylett) Washington: Jane Augusta Washington Thornton (1740 - 1833)* Elizabeth Washington Spotswood (1749 - 1814)* William Augustine Washington (1757 - 1810). 44-46. Line: 68 Washington and his first wife, Jane Butler, had three children, only two of whom (Lawrence and Augustine, Jr.) lived to adulthood. Augustine Jr. was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Westmoreland County from 1754 to 1758. He is the President of the United States and was portrayed by Christopher Jackson in the Original Broadway Cast. According to the will of Augustine Washington Sr., the land now known as Mount Vernon first was willed to Lawrence Washington Jr. (brother of Augustine Jr.). He belonged to the Colony of Virginia's landed gentry and was a planter and slaveholder. William Augustine Washington (1757-1810) Associated Houses. Augustine married Anne (or Ann) Aylett who was born in 1726 at "Nominy Plantation." However, the will instructed that in the case Lawrence should die without an heir the property would go to Augustine Jr. if he would be willing to give the Popes Creek property, known as "Wakefield", to George Washington. Augustine Washington (November 12, 1694 - April 12, 1743) was the father of U.S. President George Washington. After Jane's death in 1730, Washington married Mary Ball in 1731. Butler kuitenkin kuoli yllättäen vuonna 1729. Augustine was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Westmoreland County from 1754 to 1758. Augustine had 6 siblings: Esther A Washington, George Washington Jr and 4 other siblings. Augustine Washington Jr. married Ann Aylett. Butler Washington (s. 1716) Lawrence Washington (1718-1752) Augustine Washington II (1720-1762) Augustine was four years old when his father died. 1729) (G5-02) Lawerance Washington (1718 - 1751) (G5-03) Augustine Washington, Jr (1719 to Bet. [4] He also was a member of the Ohio Company. Mildred Warner 6. They are both buried is the same common grave. She was the daughter and coheiress of William Aylett of Westmoreland County, Virginia.[1]. He was the second and youngest son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother.[4]. "Ŝi estis la filino kaj koheredantino de William Aylett de Westmoreland County, Virginia (Ŭestmoreland Distrikto, Virginio). [1], In 1753, he inherited his brother Lawrence's share in Accokeek Furnace near Stafford, Virginia.[2]. As the only surviving male heir, William Augustine inherited Wakefield – the home where his well-known Uncle was born – upon his mother’s death in 1774. Are you sure you want to cancel your membership with us? Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Elizabeth Reade 14. [4], In 1753, he inherited his brother Lawrence's share in Accokeek Furnace near Stafford, Virginia. Augustine Washington Jr. is the half-brother of George Washington, the first president of the United States. Mildr… Augustine Washington Sr. (1694-1743) Mother. Mary Johnson Great-grandparents 8. Augustine decided instead to keep the Popes Creek property and so George got the property now known as Mount Vernon. Function: view, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/controllers/Main.php George Washington George Washington is a main character in the musical Hamilton. Martin Luther King Jr. in St. Augustine, Fla., in June 1964. Discover and add pictures, bio information and documents about the life of John Augustine Washington. When he in turn died ten years later, his share descended first to his brother Augustine Washington Jr. and later to William Augustine Washington. Ann Aylett (1724-1774) Children. 13. People Projects Discussions Surnames 2. He inherited about 1,000 acres (4.0 km ) on Bridges Creek in Westmoreland County; his sister Mildred inherited what was called the Little Hunting Creek property; they both inherited slaves. 1. For more pictures go to the Media section. After Washington’s death in 1743, his son Lawrence inherited his interest in the company and the furnace. According to the will of Augustine Washington Sr., the land now known as Mount Vernon first was willed to Lawrence Washington (brother of Augustine Jr.). Augustine Warner 15. Augustine Washington 3. She was arrested with the Rev. When he in turn died ten years later, his share descended first to his brother Augustine Washington Jr. and later to William Augustine Washington. Line: 479 Augustine married Anne AYLETT 11 circa 1745.11 Anne was born circa 1726 in Nominy Plantation, Virginia 11 and died of Pope's Creek, Westmoreland Co., VA. Washington sai yhdessä Jane Butlerin kanssa neljä lasta, joista kuitenkin vain kaksi, Lawrence ja Augustine, jr., selvisivät hengissä aikuiskään asti. 1. Augustine WASHINGTON Jr. 11 was born about 1720 in Prob Pope's Creek, Westmoreland Co., VA 11 and died about May 1762 of Pope's Creek, Westmoreland Co., VA 11 about age 42. George Washington Parents 2. Colonel Augustine Washington Jr. (1720 – May 1764) was the second and youngest son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother.. Augustine married Anne (or Ann) Aylett who was born in 1726 at "Nominy Plantation. After Washington's death in 1743, his son Lawrence inherited his interest in the company and the furnace. Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_harry_book.php Mary Washington's former daughter in law was Martha Washington Mary Washington's former father in law was Lawrence Washington Mary Washington's former mother in law was Mildred Washington Mary Washington's former grandfather in law was Augustine Warner Mary Washington's former grandmother in law was Mildred Reade Mary Washington's former brother in law was John Washington III Mary Washington… [4] The couple had four children. George Washington’s half-brother Augustine Jr. inherited the Pope’s Creek plantation when his father died in 1743 and eventually willed it to his son, William. John Washington, the great grandfather, migrated to Virginia from England. Lawrence Washington 5. The archaeological site is a rare example of an 18th-century Virginia industrial enterprise. The George Family Ancient Roots The family traces its root back from England, where George’s great grandfather came from. Amphillis Twigden 12. Augustine Warner, Jr. 13. John Washington 9. Message: Undefined variable: user_membership, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php [5], File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Augustine Jr. is the son of Augustine Washington Sr. and Augustine Sr's first wife Jane Butler. Line: 315 [1] He also was a member of the Ohio Company. Kolonelo Augustine Washington Jr. (1720-1764) estis la dua kaj plej juna filo de Augustine Washington kaj Jane Butler, kaj la duonfrato de George Washington.. Augustine geedziĝis kun Anne (aŭ Ann) kun Aylett kiu estis naskita en 1726 ĉe " Nominy-Plantejo. Landowners Politicians. He worked closely with fellow delegate, Thomas Jefferson, to put together both the Deceleration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. Augustine Washington Jr. (1720–1762)[1][2][3] was an American soldier, planter, politician, and member of the Washington family. He died on April 2, 1762 in Wakefield, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States. At age fifteen he was a land surveyor. "She was the daughter and coheiress of William Aylett of Westmoreland County, Virginia.. John Augustine Washington is the grandson of John Washington, who immigrated to Virginia in 1657, and the great great grandson of Oxford scholar John Washington, who was a Proctor at Oxford University in England.. see this link for legal action re mis-use of this … Function: _error_handler, File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/page/index.php Function: _error_handler, Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php Augustine Washington Jr. married Ann Aylett. Mount Vernon. Categories. Father. He married Mary Ball (1708-1789) 6 March 1731 . The birthplace was at his father’s owned plantation at the Pope’s Creek, popularly known as the Wakefield and located in Westmoreland County, Virginia. According to the will of Augustine Washington Sr., the land now known as Mount Vernon first was willed to Lawrence Washington (brother of Augustine Jr.). Joseph Matthäus Ball 7. List of Japanese inventions and discoveries, "Historical Marker Database: Accokeek Iron Furnace",, He had served in 1754 as a lieutenant in the Virginia Regiment under GW and became a justice in Fairfax County in 1757 and its sheriff in 1759. See also GW to John Augustine Washington, 7 June 1755. Augustine Washington Jr. and his wife Ann sold property in South Farnham Parish, Essex County, Virginia 14 April 1764 to Richard Hodges and his wife Elizabeth, witnessed by Richard and Le Roy Hipkins, and James Reynolds. Mount Vernon. ... Robert E. Lee, Jr., Recollections and Letters of Gen. Robert E. Lee, New York: 1904, pgs. Augustine Washington Jr.'s siblings: Augustine Washington Jr.'s half-brother was President George Washington Augustine Washington Jr.'s brother was Butler Washington Augustine Washington Jr.'s brother was Lawrence Washington Augustine Washington Jr.'s sister was Jane Butler Washington II Augustine Washington Jr.'s half-sister was Betty Lewis Augustine Washington Jr.'s half-brother was … Washington was born in Westmoreland, Colony of Virginia, on November 12, 1694 as the son of Lawrence Washington and Mildred Warner. Mary Ball Grandparents 4. Share. Colonel Augustine Washington Jr. (1720 – May 1764) was the second and youngest son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother. However, the will instructed that in the case Lawrence should die without an heir the property would go to Augustine Jr. if he would be willing to give the Popes Creek property, known as "Wakefield", to George Washington. Augustine Washington Jr. (1720–1762) was an American soldier, planter, politician, and member of the Washington family.He was the second and youngest son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother.. Augustine Washington Jr. married Anne Aylett at "Nominy Plantation. Born at Pope’s Creek, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on November 25, 1757, William Augustine Washington was the youngest child of George Washington’s older half-brother, Augustine Washington II, and his wife, Anne (née Aylett). Audrey Nell Edwards Hamilton with Martin Luther King III in 2011. Colonel Augustine Washington, Jr. (1720-1762) was the second son of Augustine Washington and Jane Butler, and George Washington's half-brother. [1], Augustine married Anne (or Ann) Aylett who was born in 1726 at "Nominy Plantation." Augustine Washington Jr. (1720-1762) Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses.