They are more open to their personal space and universal space than they are to worldly concerns. 20 January 18:54 AQUARIUS 19 February 09.09 PISCES 21 March 08:20 ARIES 20 April 19:36 TAURUS 21 May 18:58 GEMINI 22 June 03:04 CANCER 23 July 13:59 LEO 23 August 20:58 VIRGO 23 September 18:24 LIBRA 24 October 03:29 SCORPIO 23 November 00:50 SAGITTARIUS 22 December 14:02 CAPRICORN. What dates are the Capricorn Aquarius cusp? January Cusp Dates. Zodiac Position: approximately 26° Capricorn – 4° Aquarius. Mode Dominants: Sensation / Thought. Ruling Planets: Saturn / Uranus. Below is a list of all the dates for the Chinese New Year over the last 110 years and again, if your birthday falls a day or two either side, send me an email to the address above. They can be social, but reserved; independent while craving security; traditional, yet not traditional. They may be flamboyant and exciting. Aquarius- Pisces cusp days: February 16, February 17 and February 18. This sea goat-cum-water bearer can exhibit opposite natures and combine two opposites into one powerful and beneficial personality trait. If you were born between about January 16 and January 23, you were born on The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and there's never a dull moment. The Capricorn/Aquarian is thought to be ambitious, broad-minded, business-oriented, careful, … Possessing the strengths and … Paris Hilton was born February 17, 1981, with Sun at 28°33' Aquarius. Capricorn Aquarius Cusp Personality. This can be confusing, but it’s not a bad thing. People born under the Capricorn- Aquarius cusp are persistent, tenacious and energetic like Capricorn and intellectual, humanitarian, curious and sympathetic like Aquarius. Those born within these dates are a complex mixture of two very different, almost conflicting, zodiac personalities, formed … Cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius Cusp dates: January 19 to January 23 Known as: The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination. She sticks to her decisions all the time, even though others would criticize her. People with this zodiac cusp as birth dates … Whether outwardly flamboyant or shy and quiet, Capricorn-Aquarius cuspers … A Capricorn-Aquarius cusp is born with a unique melange of traits that are distinctive of any other cusp combination. Positive Traits. 21 January 02:38 AQUARIUS 19 February 16:57 PISCES 20 March 16:14 ARIES 20 April 03:37 TAURUS 21 May 03:04 GEMINI 21 June 11:12 CANCER 22 July 22:08 LEO 23 August 05:03 VIRGO 23 September 02:24 LIBRA 23 October 11:23 SCORPIO 22 November 08:36 SAGITTARIUS 21 December 21:44 CAPRICORN. Capricorn- Aquarius cusp days: January 20, January 21 and January 22. She will not give up on her dreams and ideas even when confronted with unfair odds and challenging situations. Like all cusps, the Capricorn/Aquarius is attracted to other cusps, especially Cancer/Leo(July 19-25) and Scorpio/Sagittarius (November 19-24). Dates. January 16th until January 23rd. Aries-Taurus cusp (April 19 to April 20) ... Capricorn-Aquarius (January 19 to January 20) If your birthday falls on the Capricorn side, you probably have a more quirky sense of style. If you were born between February 15 and February 21 then you are an Aquarius-Pisces cusp. January 17 to 23 are the cusp dates in which the Sun transits from on zodiac to another. 1953. 1964. Zodiac Symbols: Capricorn ♑ / Aquarius ♒. Aquarius Pisces cusp personalities are born between February 19th and February 25th. Below, Weiss (who is available for 2020 readings), explains what happens when practical, overachieving Capricorns (December 22 to January 19) mix traits with the free-minded, genius-leaning Aquarius babies (January 20 to February 18). Zodiac Elements: Earth / Air. Aquarius-Pisces: Sensitive yet Strong! They spend time digging within themselves for better understanding. They may be prone to unusual experiences. Dates: February 15 - February 21. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp - Your Sun Sign Personality January 15 to January 22 Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp is anything but dull. Meaning: Cusp of Sensitivity. As per Western astrology, if anyone is born on the January cups dates, they may possess qualities of both Aquarius and Capricorn. Like all other cusps Aquarius/Pisces is attracted to other cusps. Famous Individuals Born on the Aquarius-Pisces Cusp Paris Hilton. The Capricorn Aquarius cusp doesn’t have this problem. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp - Your Sun Sign Personality. Dates February 15th until February 21st Aquarius Pisces Cusp Compatibility Cancer/Gemini(June 19-24) and Leo/ Virgo August (19-25). If you were born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp, between February 15 to 21, you are full of compassion and creativity. The Aquarius cusp, better known as the Capricorn Aquarius cusp, is between January 17th to January 23rd. It is, legitimately, the dawning of the age of Aquarius. Even those born in this sign that seem quiet and unassuming have a vivid dream and fantasy life… they just prefer their excitement in private. The Aquarius/Pisces cusp is one of the most unique and interesting of all the cusps. It is used in astrology to describe a period in … The cusp is a prophecy for its natives which gives them success in all their endeavors. If you were born on the 18th-19th of February, your sun might be at the very end of the Aquarius dates or at the cusp of Pisces. The Aquarius-Pisces cusp is known as the ‘Cusp of Sensitivity’, and while one may tag a person belonging to this sign as sensitive and gullible, you wouldn’t want to underestimate the multitudinous strength that air and water gives to him/her. People born within these dates are born on the cusp of both zodiac signs, meaning their personality is normally not defined as being inline with either Capricorn or Aquarius. You will take on a combination of characteristics of both signs if you were born on the cusp. The Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp is a person who has both the traits of a Capricorn and an Aquarian. They often do not see themselves as either Capricorn or Aquarius. February 18 to February 22 Those born on the Aquarius-Pisces cusp are sensitive. The birth in zodiac cusp dates makes them ambitious with stability and energy. This is why in a very real sense Capricorn Aquarius cusp is a much more developed horoscope astrology personality type than either both the Capricorn and the Aquarius. If you were born on the cusp in any year between 1950 and 2019, you can find out your true Sun sign by using the table at The Zodiac Cusp Dates. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp Sign Dates And Definition DATES: FEBRUARY 15 - 21 THOSE BORN ON the Aquarius-Pisces cusp are known the natural psychics of the zodiac. If you were born on January 20th, your sun may be on the very cusp (the starting point) of the Aquarius dates, or right by the end of Capricorn. The Capricorn-Aquarius cusp woman is a very determined and driven lady. Aquarius Dates: Cusp or Not. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp. Loved for their compassionate, understanding, and tolerant traits, Aquarian-Pisces tend to have more extroverted personalities than you might imagine for those with such sensitive souls 13 Zodiac Signs and Their Dates Due to the change of the earth's axis and the movement of solar system and stars, the current positions of zodiac signs are different with that of 2000 years ago. Name of the Cusp: Mystery and Imagination. People born from January 19th to January 25th are considered Capricorn Aquarius cusp personalities. These dates overlap with those belonging to the Pisces star sign, and are therefore referred to as the Aquarius-Pisces cusp, or the Aquisces. The Capricorn Aquarius cusp can reach for the stars and can turn otherwise fleeting ideas into solid reality. Capricorn Aquarius Cusp Dates and Meaning. Capricorn Aquarius Cusp (January 16- January 23) Cusp of Mystery! For example, the zodiac signs Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) and Pisces (February 19 – March 20) overlap from February 15 through the 21st, causing a cusp. as the Sun changes its position from Capricorn to Aquarius, these are called Capricorn and Aquarius cusp. The cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius often struggles to balance the two very different charateristics of their combined star signs. The word ‘cusp’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘point,’ and it can have a variety of meanings. The Characteristics of those born on the Cusp of Aquarius and Pisces Cusp dates: February 15 to February 24 Known as: The Cusp of Sensitivity. What are the dates for cusps? The interesting mix of the Aquarius and the Pisces on the Cusp can often lead to amazing results. Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp Born between January 14th and 25th, you are most adept at business with a natural aptitude, ambition and distinct ideas along the lines of economy. It's those born on the 4th/5th February that are truely on the cusp and you will need to email me at and I will look into your chart. They kind of walk into a room full of people and map out the room based on emotions. She has become well known for the... Michael Jordan. Seasons of the Year: Mid Winter. Spritual, compassionate, imaginitive, peace-loving, artistic and very friendly, Aquarius Pisces combines the quirky energy of the air sign Aquarius, with the dreamy Pisces to produce individuals who are very intuitive and receptive to the needs of others. If you were born between February 15th and the 21st, you could be considered an Aquarius or a Pisces, depending on the date, year, and source. "When I was younger I totally identified as an Aquarius, but as I got older I identified more with being a Capricorn," the 24-year-old tells Refinery29. Aquarius, Astrology, Cusp, Love, Pisces This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek. Capricorn Aquarius Cusp Compatibility . You get highly unique individuals, that’s what. The big thing about Pisces is that, they get along with people on an emotional level. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp Dates: January 19 – January 25. Aquarius Pisces Cusp Personality Positive Traits The Aquarian/Piscean is thought to be caring, compassionate, extrovert, flirtatious, imaginative, intellectual, modest, multi … Aquarius Pisces Cusp Dates and Meaning. Michael Jordan was born February 17, 1963, with Sun at 29°38' Aquarius.