Let me be able to sense the presence of God's spirit with me. Also use the prayers to this magnificent Archangel of Illumination posted on this page below. Copyright 2019 © by Maria Piotrovskaja & Universal Prayers. Because of the Laws of Free Will, they cannot interfere in our lives. Today, she sent me my card reading, which was by AA Chamuel. It is the crystalized presence of angelic wisdom handed over to your soul from the Kingdom of Heaven through mediator Reverend Maria Piotrovskaja. Beloved Archangel Jophiel, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. Call on Jophiel to help you clear and raise your vibration so you can access true beauty and higher wisdom now. Jul 23, 2019 - Explore Craig Du Preez's board "Archangels names" on Pinterest. Stress relief | Relax your mind and body | Concentrate on Study | Abundance is our natural state of the mind and soul. Say this beautiful mantras aloud 9 times and be sure that we are listening to your prayers for illumination and we will send the golden rays of Wisdom’s fire to your mind and by this action of the Holy Spirit you will find the answer you are looking for. Hopler, Whitney. The core of Reverend Maria’s Mission is placed in the spiritual assistance and spiritual empowerment of any awakening individual, which is looking for more happiness, freedom, peace, abundance and love on earth. In the latter role, Ariel takes on the fierce presence of punishing those who … The Torah mentions Iofiel as the Prince of the Law. Make and keep me wise and free by God’s Grace eternally! "Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Jophiel." My spirit is a treasure with eternal and infinite value. See more ideas about archangel jophiel, archangels, angel prayers. Archangel Jophiel Jophiel lovingly frees us to comprehend the greatest teaching of the HOLY LIBERATOR, and like the great Buddha in the icon above, to detachment through stillness. He thought Kabbalah to Moses. Your angelic teacher, guide and brother. (3x) Amen. Welcome this Holy Light, my child, and let this golden shining radiance of the infinite Wisdom of God just flow without any resistance through your physical body, your human mind and your innocent soul. Jul 12, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Ruth Wheeler. St. Gabriel - An Angel Prayer for others O loving messenger of the Incarnation, descend upon … Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. I call for the full power of the sacred golden fire from the heart of beloved Archangel Jophiel to blaze through my entire consciousness, being and world to burn out of my mind and soul all that is not of the light and all that is less than the Cosmic Christ perfection. His name means “Justice of God,” which gives the meaning of the work entrusted to him by the Lord. O Flame most wondrous to behold, Always begin your prayer or call “ In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM and in the name of Christ within me, I call on Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine—— Thank you for holding the Flame of Wisdom for humankind until they can invoke it for themselves. Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel plays a great part today in the ongoing Divine revolution of the Higher Consciousness on earth. יוֹפִיאֵל ‎ Yōfīʾēl, "beauty of God", "divine beauty"), also called Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel (צֹפִיאֵל ‎ Ṣōfīʾēl, "spy of God", "watchman of God") and Zuriel (צוּרִיאֵל ‎ Ṣūrīʾēl, "my rock is God"), is a non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment. Archangel Jophiel invites all spiritual students to come to his retreat to study the Great Cosmic Law and to reconnect their own human mind with the Cosmic Christ Mind by spiritual studies and exercises under his personal assistance. This is why I am inspiring you today to claim your personal Christhood, to claim your Christ Self-awareness and by the power of your Christ presence to command me, Jophiel and my angels to release the Christ light of Illuminaiton into your thoughts, words and deeds right now today. I call to beloved Jophiel to resurrect the memory of my Divine Plan and to restore the full consciousness of the Christ in me. Ray.Because of the Laws of Free Will, they cannot interfere in our lives. Blessed Archangel Jophiel will graciously assist you not only in training and transformation of your human mind to the Christ Mind but also in your spiritual proces of discovering the beauty of God’s holiness. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/praying-to-archangel-jophiel-124256. Prayer To Archangel Jophiel. You may aks him also to rescue people from ignorance or spiritual blindness. Nov 25, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Veronica Deegan. May the Kingdom of God come into manifestation, may the Wisdom ray of God become the guiding light for every soul on earth and may the Light of the Cosmic Christ consciousness prevail in the heart and minds of all mankind right now, today and forever. My mind is a powerful gift from God. If you notice beauty in the world or receive creative ideas that inspire you to create beauty, Jophiel may be nearby. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. The name Jophiel means 'Beauty of God'. The magnificent ray of the perfect Wisdom of God is touching your mind and my beautiful angels of Wisdom and Enlightenment are ready now to pour out the most precious cosmic oil of illumination upon your crown chakra on the top of your head. Archangel Jophiel Prayer. Open the doors to your inner temple, my child, and receive this Holy gift of Wisdom, the gift of the all-knowledge released to you personally from the very heart of God today. Whenever I encounter one of those messages (from advertisements to social media postings), remind me that, in truth, I am beautiful. Discover (and save!) Prepare yourself, light a candle, to help invoke the angels, take a few moments to centre yourself, then say these prayers. Archangel Jophiel – The Archangel of Beauty If we want their help, we must call for it. Remember, my friend, that this incredible Light of God’s Holy Wisdom that I am manifesting in your world today is the most precious gift that your soul may receive on her way HOME. Archangel Jophiel can help you learn many new things. I will remain open-minded and be guided by the light within. יוֹפִיאֵל ‎ Yōfīʾēl, "beauty of God", "divine beauty"), also called Iophiel, Iofiel, Jofiel, Yofiel, Youfiel, Zophiel (צֹפִיאֵל ‎ Ṣōfīʾēl, "spy of God", "watchman of God") and Zuriel (צוּרִיאֵל ‎ Ṣūrīʾēl, "my rock is God"), is a non-canonical archangel of wisdom, understanding, and judgment. Seek ye first the kingdom – the consciousness of God and all other things will be given unto you. Angel of God Prayer Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide, Amen. Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Jophiel. My body is unique and wonderful because it was specially designed by God to function in amazing ways. In Jewish lore, Archangel Iofiel is mentioned as one of these seven archangels. We’ll look at how his wards can contact him through the archangel Jophiel prayer. Discover (and save!) He is the governor of Saturn. He will answer all your prayers and will show you how to discover more of God’s joy in your life. I AM the angelic presence of the Diamond Shining Mind of my Lord. I put my prayers out to the Angels. Libra and Jophiel help women make the most of their assets—both beauty and brains. Libra Horoscope and the archangel Jophiel The archangel Jophiel is the Guardian Angel of Libras. "Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Jophiel." Archangel Jophiel watches over artists supporting in creating beautiful art, assists us in slowing down and bringing calm to our lives, and heals negativity and chaos, helps to … If we want their help, we must call for it. The gentle presence of the Christ is approaching you now right where you are. I am here, standing before you clothed with the sparkling mantel of the golden fire of my Lord. Archangel Jophiel is an Archangel of beauty, creativity, and clarity. Archangel Jophiel (Beauty of God) and The Angels of Illumination . I AM in light’s wisdom all divining. You only need to pronounce his name 9 times aloud with all the power and love from your heart and ask him for his personal assistance on your spiritual Path and he will place his Divine presence all around you. Enjoy! Please protect me from all negativity and shine a light on the path I need to follow. Because of the Laws of Free Will, they cannot interfere in our lives. Insert the name of the person who sent you these prayers, or a person you feel you would like to help, into the first set of prayers. I AM, I AM, I AM illumination. He will help you to see yourself through the eyes of God so that you can easily recognize how valuable you are. Maybe one of my facial features bothers me, or my figure isn't what I'd like it to be... so what? Empower me to respond well to the barrage of messages that society sends me every day, telling me that somehow I'm not beautiful enough. He and his angels will help you learn to use more of your brain! And he also thought Shem, the son of Noah. Archangel Iofiel – also known as the divine angel of law and justice.Firstly, his name means “Beauty Of God”. We, the 7 Archangels, the 7 servants of our Lord, are manifesting this dazzling light into your physical world as a Divine sign of our permanent presence, our angelic dominion and our brotherly union without end. Blessed Archangel Jophiel is the great teacher of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. I may not be as tall as I'd like or have the color of eyes or type of hair I'd prefer. May the Holy Wisdom of God become the guiding light on your spiritual Path! I call on Michael to be with me now. Help me see myself the way God sees me—as someone whose body, mind, and spirit are completely beautiful because they reflect the work of God who made me and loves me without limits. Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Yes, my friend, by the blessed action of the Christ Illumination Flame this earth will ultimately become a shining manifestation of the mind of God, individually present in every man, woman and child living on this planet. Learn how your comment data is processed. And it equates the archangel with Yefefiah. May the Cosmic Christ consciousness that was given to my soul by God in the beginning of my individualized manifestation infuse my human mind again and again. See more ideas about archangels, archangel prayers, archangel jophiel. So many of us have heard of the protective powers of Archangel Michael, the healing powers of Archangel Raphael and, of course, the Divine m. Chakras Archangel Prayers Angel Spirit Angel Guide Angel Quotes I Believe In Angels Angel Numbers Angel Cards Religion. By being the angel of beauty, Archangel Jophiel has a very feminine energy. (9x). “His aura is shining brightly with the magnificent golden-yellow radiance. Prayer for Archangel Chamuel. Ditto if you have … In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence and to Beloved Archangel Michael to take me to the etheric retreat of Beloved Jophiel over the Great Wall of China near Lanchow and I ask to be taught the law of Wisdom and to be given the formula for the victory of the flame of illumination within my heart and crown chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge. Who is the angel of The Torah. Archangel Iofiel. The following is a prayer that may be used for the angel Jophiel: " Jophiel , angel of beauty, I thank God for making you such a blessing to people who are seeking beauty in their lives. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen. Blessed Jophiel, my beloved friend of Light, I pray to you that my interaction this day with everyone whom I meet be filled with the pure Wisdom of God. (9x) I am receiving, accepting and absorbing the flame of Cosmic Christ Illumination from the very living presence of Archangel Jophiel now. I AM the Divine personification of the Holy Wisdom of God. Jophiel knows that beautiful thoughts are like the magical keys that open the door to the Diamond Shining Mind of God. You may repeat these prayers as often as you like. Archangel Jophiel is one of the seven most important archangels. Can someone please tell me who is the artist of the beautiful art work of Jophiel as pictured above???!!!! Feb 26, 2017 - Explore Julee Fraser-Metcher's board "ArchAngel Jophiel", followed by 272 people on Pinterest. Think as Christ would think and Christ will think through you and the Mind of Christ will become congruent with your vessel one day. When you have feelings that are not the feelings of the compassionate Christ, then you must know again that the mercy of the Christ is not flowing from you to your fellow today. Empower me to change patterns of unhealthy thinking that fuel addictions from which God wants me to break free. Archangel Jophiel and a prayer for wisdom Jophiel, whose name means “Beauty of God,” is the Archangel of art, beauty and Paradise. I am receiving, accepting and absorbing the flame of Cosmic Christ Illumination from the very living presence of Archangel Jophiel now. Posted on October 10, 2009 by Barbara Anne Archangels Jophiel and Christine are representatives of the 2nd. All Rights Reserved. Watch the video prayer above on this page every time you need to anchor the presence of blessed Archangel Jophiel almost physically in your life. Give me the confidence I need to accept my body fully and appreciate its distinctive beauty. Firstly, her name’s meaning is “Beauty of God”. The invitation today is to connect with the archangels through prayer and guided meditation. In this transmission we invoke Archangel Jophiel and the Citrine-Gold Ray in three ways, as uplifter, as inspirer and as protector of our light. You can learn this prayer “O Flame of Light, Bright and Gold” by heart: Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Raphael, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Michael, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Metatron, A Prayer for Understanding and Compassion to Archangel Chamuel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Barachiel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Raguel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Zadkiel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Gabriel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Uriel, Miracle Prayer for Healing From a Betrayal, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Ariel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Raziel, Angel Prayers: Praying to Archangel Jeremiel. Angels are extensions of God, assisting us and carrying our prayers and messages back to The Source. I AM the Archangel of the Cosmic Christ IIlumination. You will get it. Connect with her energy and feel the love and healing she brings. Last night, there was card reading that this lady was doing, I asked for reading, which I did not get. In the golden yellow flame of the infinite Wisdom of God I remain, your own Pins on Pinterest Ariel Azrael Chamuel Gabriel Haniel Jeremiel Jophiel Metatron Michael Raguel Raphael Raziel Sandalphon Uriel Zadkiel Archangel Ariel Archangel Ariel has appeared in Coptic, apocryphal, and mystical Judeo-Christian writings as both an overseer of nature and the regulator of the underworld. Say a prayer to Archangel Jophiel then draw a picture of whatever new idea comes to your mind. He is looking for spiritual students that will help him to lift up the mass consciousness on this planet by becoming the pure vessels of the Christ Mind. Always begin your prayer or call—-“ In the name of God, I AM THAT I AM and in the name of Christ within me, I call on Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine—— Hello beautiful people. The following is a prayer that may be used for the angel Jophiel: "Jophiel, angel of beauty, I thank God for making you such a blessing to people who are seeking beauty in their lives. See more ideas about archangel jophiel, archangels, i believe in angels. Only pure, compassionate and beautiful thoughts can create a Divine magnet in the human mind that will attract the vibration of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Help me to become the instrument of your infinite joy, beauty and enlightenment to all whom I contact his day. If you get inspired by God’s beauty around you, or you get mesmerized by the smallest of things in your surroundings like the scent of roses, or the colors of the rainbow… then you should know that He is nearby. Private Healing, Prayer, and Coaching Session. Signs to remind me All is Well and there is … Dear Zajimen, This is a stunning picture. Come, come, come into my world to stay; Come, come, come in golden waves of peace; Come, come, come, thy Wisdom Flame release! Learn Religions. This magnificent radiation of his presence is related to his angelic name „Jophiel” that means “Beauty of God”.”. Discover (and save!) Different cultures know him/her by a wide array of names: such as God’s Watchman, God’s spy, and the Divine Beauty or the Beauty of … Blessed Archangel Jophiel is the Great Angelic Master of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. (3x) Amen. (2021, February 16). Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful Archangel of our Lord that personifies the Divine energies of Wisdom and Illumination. His special gift is helping us appreciate the beauty all around us. She is the author of the book "Wake Up to Wonder.". Let me constantly be learning something new that God wants me to know. The level of Wisdom and Illumination in the Mind of God is correspondent to the level of the midi-chloreans in your system, that allow you to raise your ability to use and bring forth the force of God Reality. Mar 24, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Errilyn O'Shea. A Prayer for Protection. Ceaseless, flowing fount of illumination flaming, Encourage me to take good care of my body, as well, through such healthy habits as eating nutritious foods and getting enough sleep and exercise regularly. Posted on October 10, 2009 by Barbara Anne Archangels Jophiel and Christine are representatives of the 2nd. Beautiful inspirational thoughts, we love them, that's Archangel Jophiel. Therefore, her name tells us that she is the angel of beauty. Archangel Jophiel has a consort, the archeia Christine who works with him on God's second ray - the yellow ray of illumination. But he is also the companion of Archangel Metatron. Archangel Jophiel. Archangel Jophiel, fill my body, mind and spirit with light! It is your Divine right, my friend, to be enlightened by God as it also is your Divine right to be touched by the angels of illumination. Learn about Archangel Jophiel and how she's here to support you! As the angel of beauty and wisdom, Archangel Jophiel is the patron of artists and artistic illumination. All this things are given to us by the Grace of God and surely will be granted to all mankind as a result of very conscious, loving and harmonious collaboration between man and God. Known as the archangel of beauty, Archangel Jophiel sends you thoughts that help you develop a beautiful mindset. For this profound quality always releases us from conflicting feelings and erroneous thoughts, thereby we stir forgiveness, liberation, meditation and ultimate joy within our lives. Angels need our direct consent to be able to interfere with our lives. Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine join in the battle to return us to the Mind of God that was in Christ Jesus. May this beautiful golden flame awaken all people from lethargy and apathy of the ordinary human life and reinforce the mind of every man with the vital, breathing awareness of Divine Wisdom that transcends all dogmas and transmutes all limited human consciousness into the limitless Diamond Shining Mind of God! An angel message written especially for you is a very concrete and extremely supportive form of a spiritual personal advice given from the Highest level of angelic consciousness. Prayer to the Archangel Zadkiel. Call on Jophiel and she will help you to access true beauty and wisdom. Practice sweet thoughts, sweet feelings, sweet words and soon they will come naturally to you. Help me to trust in the beauty of God's purposes for me and to know that, whenever I pray, God will respond in beautiful ways to work out each situation for the best. Hopler, Whitney. The golden light of the Divine Wisdom emanating day and night from the heart of this mighty Archangel expands far away through the material and spiritual Universe. The angel Jophiel (Heb. He is also known as the angel of art and beauty. If you know you need to be more assertive (a common issue for Mars-in-Libra people), then talk to her and ask for help. Firstly, her name’s meaning is “Beauty of God”. And by this reconnection you will come into Holy union with the living Christ within your own heart, my dear friend. Please help me notice and appreciate how the beauty of our Creator is reflected in every part of creation—including me. Therefore, her name tells us that she is the angel of beauty. Carefully read this meaningful advise of Archangel Jophiel to his students and it will help you to become the human manifestation of the Christ: Speak as you know or believe Christ would speak and Christ will speak through you. Archangel Jophiel is known as the angel of beauty. So if you wish to contact Chamuel to ask for his help and assistance, then here is a guided prayer you can use, to call upon this angel, and allow him to help you.