Fix crafted Oversized weapons so the size change stacks with Impact/Lead Blades. Fix loading of items resulting from long-term projects. If wielder is neutral, it grants them a +2 bonus to spell penetration and a +3 bonus on concentration checks. Chest behind a hidden wall on floor XVI of the. If the target fails a, The wearer of the necklace becomes immune to, This necklace grants its wearer a +2 bonus to, This necklace gives its wearer a +2 dodge bonus to, This amulet grants a +4 morale bonus to the wearer's, This unholy relic is fashioned entirely of bone and tied together with rope and skin. Can be found in the northeaster room on floor VII of the. The chapter about Lord Jessiahdor grants a +5 competence bonus to Persuasion and Use Magic Device checks. a creature that attacks the wearer of this helmet with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike, or a natural weapon, takes 1d6 electric damage. This will affect the target in an unpredictable way. Grants its wearer a +3 competence bonus on Lore(Nature), Lore(Religion), Knowledge(World) and Knowledge(Arcana) skill checks. Each time it lands a hit, the enemy has to pass a Will saving throw (DC 16) or be frightened for 1d3 rounds. It imposes a -2 enhancement penalty to wearer's Wisdom score, -4 competence penalty to Perception skill checks, -2 resistance penalty to Will saving throws, and a -10 all saving throws against traps. Better handle live enabling/disabling of the mod. Grants its wielder electricity resistance 15 and cold resistance 15. ... Add amulet of mighty fists when you start shifting. Grants its wearer a +2 bonus on all concentration checks, a +5 competence bonus to Knowledge: arcana skill checks, and a chance to frighten enemy on a hit (Will save DC 13). Fix feats that can be taken more than once (like Extra Channel) being retrained to crafting feats. Set the DC on recipe-based offensive "Cast spell N/day" enchantments (DC uses minimum caster stat for the spell level, like a scroll or wand). Dropped by Hellknight of the Rack cleric upstairs in. Grants its wearer the ability to cast up to six spells per day that are maximized as though using the Maximize Spell feat. Add the Fabricate spell, which would allow mundane crafting projects to complete instantly, and/or allow the changing of existing items to use special materials (converting a found suit of armor to mithral, for example). Whenever the wearer receives a critical hit, they become confused for 1d4 rounds. Show the plus equivalent of arms and armor enchantments. Grants its wearer a +3 resistance bonus to Will saving throws, and a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. This power can be used for 20 rounds per day. Grants +5 bonus to Stealth skill checks and increases sneak attack damage with any weapon by 1d6 damage. Grants its wearer a +10 armor enhancement bonus to Perception and the effects of the Uncanny Dodge feat. Composite energy blasts instead deal an additional 6d6 damage, while composite physical blasts deal an additional 6d6+6 damage. Add Cheats option to adjust magical and mundane crafting rates. The owner of this quiver can use it to shoot 20 flaming arrows or bolts per day. Chest behind the locked door with book cases in the basement of the, Cures its wielder 1d4 HP each time it successfully hits a living creature. Resist Energy - choose energy type). Grants its wearer a +3 resistance bonus on Will, Fortitude, and Reflex saving throws and the ability to cast blindness spell once per day. These bracers grant their wearer an armor bonus of +{x}, just as though they were wearing armor. You can throw a flask of acid as a splash weapon with a range increment of 10 feet. Create the new scroll in an identified state. Allow characters to start projects that are too hard. Correctly add cost of Cast Spell 1/day enchantments. It also inflicts a -4 penalty to saving throws against gaze attacks and blindness. +3 resistance bonus to Reflex saves, fire resistance 10. Allow custom items to be based on cheaper/more expensive vanilla items. Note There are several different types of bonuses to Armor Class, the most common of which include Armor bonus, Shield bonus, Dexterity bonus, Dodge bonus, Deflection bonus, and Natural bonus. The nanites inside the item provide the wearer with multiple abilities. Corruption of the Rough Beast applies one of the following effects to all enemies within 100 feet radius for 1d6+1 rounds: confusion, song of discord spell effect, rage, feeblemind, phantasmal putrefaction, domination. These bracers give the wearer a +2 deflection bonus to, Found in a chest on the second floor of the. This amulet grants its wearer a +{x} enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons. That's a enhancement bonus and it does not stack with other enhancement bonuses. -5 penalty to attack rolls against friendly targets. Add an option to revert a bonded item if a character loses the Bonded Item class feature (e.g. +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, grants the ability to cast aspect of the wolf spell once per day. Avoid UI crash when the first project a crafter does is with a bonded item. Add fallback loading of L10N strings for KML (it doesn't patch as early as UMM). Make the human bonus feat available as an option to retrain as a crafting feat. Grants its wielder 2 additional attacks per round. Catalyst: Owner's bombs deal additional dice of damage as if they were an Alchemist 2 levels higher; the owner's save DC's are increased by 1. Grants its wielder a shambling mound's ability to grab their foes. Greater (3) are very useful for a wild shaped druid, as they stack with the damage bonus of an Amulet of Mighty Fists and with each other. Hope: Owner gets a +2 bonus to Saving Throws against mind-affecting, death, paralysis, disease, stun, and poison effects and resist Fatigue for 8 hours past the usual limit. It affects spells of 6th level or lower. This helmet grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on. These gloves adds +4 to the wearer's caster level when they cast any cure spell. ), Attempt to fix loading of JSON strings when using Kingmaker Mod Loader (thanks, Spacehamster!). Aquired in Castle of Knives during The First Crown quest by collecting 3 First Crown Fragments: It also grants a +{x} enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons. The wyvern draws power from the owner of the figurine, and its, This artifact doubles the duration of all spells cast by its wearer as though using the. Grants its wielder the ability to cast summon monster VIII spell twice per day for 15 rounds, and glitterdust spell at will as a wizard of level equal to the wielder's character level. While in possession of this item, the, These boots grant its wearer a +5 competence bonus on, These boots grant their wearer a +5 competence bonus on all, These boots grant the wearer a constant effect of the. It also grants its wearer a +2 bonus to Necromancy school spells' DC. Allow crafting items using level 0 spells.