It will grow with an attractive open habit in total shade, but be dense in full sun. One of my favorite and best bonsai trees for beginners is the American hornbeam, or Carpinus Caroliniana. These plants are cultivars of a species that is native to the Chicago Region according to Swink and Wilhelm's Plants of the Chicago Region, with updates made according to current research. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Typically grows 20-35' tall. American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) is a slow-growing, deciduous, small to medium-sized understory tree with an attractive globular form. It has a tight gray, irregular bark that that resembles muscles. The 30–40 species occur across much of the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana), also called ironwood, grows 20 to 30 ft. tall and has beautiful deep-green leaves that turn from yellow to red in fall. The smallest hornbeam variety is the Japanese hornbeam (Carpinus japonica). In 1985, a 41-foot-tall specimen of this tree was recorded in Hamilton County. Photo:Chris Evans, IL. The trunk is a uniquely smooth grey color and larger branches of a mature tree exhibit a distinctive muscle-like fluting (see picture) that has given rise to another common name of "musclewood" for this tree. Shape Very dense, somewhat upswept … Hornbeam Care. The American Hornbeam has an oval shaped canopy with dark green foliage that turns to a yellow to bright orange-red in the fall. Prefers moist, organically rich soils. More than twice the height of American hornbeam, it is still a manageable size, but it grows incredibly slowly. Sharply toothed dark green leaves turn yellow and orange in autumn. Fall Color: Red. The small tree is often categorized as a shrub and rarely grows taller than 30 feet. The bark is blue-gray and smooth. This tree brings interest to the winter landscape, too, by displaying blue-gray bark with a slightly rippled appearance that earned the … Source: U.S. Geological Survey, Print a PDF of this page: American Hornbeam. The largest known American hornbeam in the U.S. is 69 feet tall and 2½ feet in diameter. Panicle … If collected whilst still "green" (after the seed is ripe but before it has dried fully on the plant) and sown immediately it … The Carpinus betulus fastigiata, also commonly called the Upright Hornbeam Tree or fastigiate hornbeam tree, grows in a pyramid shape. The genus Carpinus has 30 to 40 species found in northern temperate regions, with the majority in east Asia, two in Europe, and only one in eastern North America. Distribution: Eastern North America. The smooth, gray trunk and larger branches of a … Orchard Tree. American Hornbeam are a pleasing small-to-medium tree with green summer foliage and yellow to fire engine red fall colors. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. No need to register, buy now! They grow in sun or shade … Tree Size: 35-40 ft (10-12 m) tall, 1.5-2 ft (.5-.6 m) trunk diameter. Commercial use of hornbeam wood is not practicable, however, due to the limited amount of wood that can be harvested per tree.Genus name comes from the classical Latin name.Specific epithet means of North or South Carolina. Height: 20 to 35 feet Spacing: 20 feet. Wildlife Action Plan,, Map indicates species’ native range. It will grow with an attractive open habit in total shade, but be dense in full sun. Height – 30 to 50 feet (10 to 15 meters) Exposure – full sun Soil – ordinary Foliage – deciduous Flowering – spring. Size. March 11, 2016 Carpinus caroliniana. Zone: 5. Family Betulaceae . Ironwood or American Hop-hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) General Description Also known as American Hop-hornbeam. Hornbeam. It readily lends itself to this with its growth habit and, given some basic annual maintenance, is easy to keep in this shape. Apr 26, 2013 - American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) Height: 18 inches. The smooth, gray trunk and larger branches of a mature tree exhibit a distinctive muscle-like fluting that has given rise to another common name of musclewood for this tree. Plants. American Hornbeam: Described as a perennial tree, the American Hornbeam features tiny, inconspicuous orange flowers and dense green foliage. Typically grows 20-35 feet tall. Mature size is around 20-30' tall x 20-30' wide. The mature growth of this tree is around 25' tall x 25' wide. Leaf spots, cankers and twig blight are occasional disease problems. 2. Has Deciduous foliage. American hornbeam grown as an individual tree requires different care. Noteworthy Characteristics. Serrated, elliptic-oval, dark green leaves often produce respectable shades of yellow, orange and red in fall. Edible parts of American Hornbeam: Seed - cooked. Artist: Walter Pall European Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Height: 70 cm, 27.56 inches Pot: Derek Aspinall . Growth Rate: Slow. The leaf margin is serrated. The Hornbeam is hearty, but not very stately. Slow growth rate. Details C. caroliniana is a small, deciduous tree to … Size and Light Requirements Hophornbeam is usually a small, slow-growing tree that reaches a height of 20 feet over approximately 30 years’ time. Carpinus caroliniana. A small, slow-growing tree, found in pockets along rivers in eastern North Dakota. 13. Photos: John Ruter, Univ. Artist: Dan Barton European Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) Artist: Walter Pall