Some of the better-known ones include ‘Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo’, used by the Fairy Godmother in Disney’s Cinderella, ‘Shazam’, used by DC Comic’s Billy Batson to transform into the superhero Captain Marvel, and ‘A-la Peanut Butter Sandwiches’, which is uttered by the Amazing Mumford in Sesame Street . Top Image: Vintage magic book with symbols floating above it. Magic Words Like Abracadabra. Lindsay Taylor shows us how to use the magic of words to create positive consequences If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. In the Harry Potter series, ‘Avada kedavra’ functions as a killing curse, and J. K. Rowling, who authored the books, is said to have drawn inspiration for this spell from the original Aramaic version of it. Well, this isn’t surprising, as in the minds of many people the Vikings were nothing but a... Seduction, the most noble art. 35 Quotes About Magic – Abracadabra Indeed! It is intriguing to see how the term has survived and is used in only a semi-jocular way today. Learn more. The Fascinating Origin of the Word “Abracadabra”. See. Thus, the word ‘Abracadabra’ is in fact an invocation of the Holy Trinity . We may have become slaves of the daily grind of our life but a part within us wants to emancipate itself from it and hopes for something magical to happen. One, for instance, is offered by John Tillotson, the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1694. (There are many theories regarding its pre-Latin history, … CLAIRVOYANCE: The ability to see events outside the normal range. ABRACADABRA, magic word or formula used mainly in folk medicine, as an incantation against fevers and inflammations.Several origins for the obscure word have been proposed, most of them regarding it as a derivative of an Aramaic demon-name, now unrecognizable. CANTRIP: A minor magic spell. Also spelled Abrakadabraand Abrahadabra. Yet another theory for the origins of the word ‘Abracadabra’ is the Aramaic phrase ‘Avra kadavra’. He was, according to World’s Finest Comics #262, himself a champion in the time of Canaan, 5000 years ago, who had to invoke the magic term “Vlarem!” (Voldar, Lumian, Arel, Ribalvei, Elbiam, Marzosh) to activate his own powers. This word is special, as its letters, in Greek numerology, adds up to 365, i.e. EXORCISM: The act of evicting a Demon or other spirit from an unwilling host. Matariki: Mythology, Astronomy and Warring Gods of the Maori New Year. Unlike ‘Abracadabra’, the origin of this magic phrase lies in the more recent past, around the early 17th century, to be more precise. One of the stories in. According to another theory, this magic word is derived from another magic word known as ‘abraxas’. SUCCUBUS: A female demon who preys sexually on men in their sleep. I was struck, recently, by two quotations relative to words and magic. The vulgar popular use of abracadabra as a magic spell may be a faint echo of these exalted ideas. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. ALCHEMY: The ancient quest to transform or purify materials. ‘Abracadabra’ written in its triangular / pyramidal form. September 2020. What happened to the Roanoke Island colonists? Previously, it meat 'the riding of the witch', the witch being the INCUBUS or his female equivalent the SUCCBUS, who attacked women and men while they slept. 5 years ago. The Norse Legend of the World Tree - Yggdrasil, The Milesians: Mythic Origins of the Ancient Irish, Han Purple: A 2,800-year-old artificial pigment that quantum physicists are trying to understand, An Unbreakable Story: The Lost Roman Invention of Flexible Glass. My interests range from ‘conventional’ to ‘radical’ interpretations of the archaeological/textual/pictorial data set. The exact origin of the word is for discussion, but perhaps one of the oldest We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. How to use abracadabra in a sentence. A word with many ties to the occult and the ancient world of Mythology, Numerology, Kabbalism, Magic, Witchcraft, the Gnosticsand folkloric medicine; possibly derived from the initials of the Hebraic words Ab, Benand ruach a Cadesch('Father, Son and Holy Ghost'). And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exists countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. Abracadabra. The Menehune of Hawaii – Ancient Race or Fictional Fairytale? Full list of synonyms for Abracadabra is here. : A male demon who preys sexually on women in their sleep. According to one theory, the word ‘Abracadabra’ is derived from the Hebrew words ‘ab, ben, ruach hakodesh’, which translates as ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’. In the Middle Ages people believed that any event they couldn’t explain was possibly caused by magic, and much of the population of Medieval Europe deeply feared having an enchantment cast on them so they used Abracadabra to ward off any potential wrongdoing sent in their direction. Fans of the Harry Potter series would perhaps be familiar with this phrase, as a similar spell, ‘Avada kedavra’ is featured in the books. More 200 Abracadabra synonyms. What are another words for Abracadabra? Genesis-Revelations The life cycle of the World, Ancient Civilisations Are Over 350,000 Years Old, about Talk Like a Viking! Neither included “abracadabra, “please,” or “thank you.” One of my favorite authors is Terry Pratchett, but I just got around to reading his award-winning Nation (Harper, 2008). It was used as a healing charm, engraved with the word in triangular form, as shown above. [v] Arguably the best-known and best-loved magic word in history, abracadabra is pure dazzle, and it has never lost its spark over the centuries. I Create What I Speak #abracadabra #magic #magicwords. The magic word, abracadabra, often spoken with great gusto, just before a rabbit is pulled out of a hat, may have Greek origins, in the name of a Gnostic god, Abraxas, the Supreme Being, a magical word, representing absolute power, which was used by the Gnostics of the sect of Basilides, to conjure up the help of benevolent spirits against adversity. Abracadabra is a word sometimes used in magic tricks. Whether we admit it or not, we all believe in magic. abracadabra definition: 1. said by someone who is performing a magic trick, in order to help perform it successfully 2…. History books across the planet reveal the carnal activities of an endless number of femme-fatals, causing nations to collapse and dynasties to crumble. Aleister Crowley, the self-styled prophet of the ‘Thelema’ cult, maintained that the correct word was ‘abrahadabra’. Discover (and save!) [Online]Available at:, Martin, G., 2017. WISH MAN (also WISHT MAN or WISE MAN): A magician, Originally it was a by-name for The Devil. The word is of Scots Gaelic origin. Abracadabra definition, a mystical word or expression used in incantations, on amulets, etc., as a magical means of warding off misfortune, harm, or illness. The use of this ‘Abracadabra’ pyramid is mentioned by writers in later ages, including the 16th century Eva Rimmington Taylor, who wrote in ‘ The Troublesome Voyage of Capt. Meditation Spirit Science Magic Words Power Of Words Wtf Fun Facts Fact Quotes Truth Quotes Book Of Shadows Spiritual Awakening. ‘Hocus Pocus’ is another magic word that is often used by magicians. Hocus-pocus. 10 Everyday English Words with Old Norse Origins, Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories and the Creation Myths of Australia, Jewel-Capped Teeth and Golden Bridges: 14,000 Years of Dentistry, Nabu: Ancient Mesopotamian God of Scribes and Wisdom, The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts, The Stone Age: The First 99 Percent of Human History, Unearthing Ancient Magic in The Runes –Messages with Hidden Symbols and Powerful Numbers, Petroglyphic Features of Portable Rock Art, The Northern Mysteries Current: Futhark and Mystery Schools of the Viking Age, Floki and the Viking Discovery of Iceland. I believe that intellectual engagement by advocates from both ends of the spectrum would serve to... Read More. At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Like ‘Abracadabra’ and ‘Alakazam’, there are several theories trying to explain the origin of this phrase. One of the most common of these incantations is ‘Abracadabra’. LEFT-HAND PATH: The route to supernatural practice of a malignant kind. Q' ABALAH: The word derives from the Hebrew for ‘reception’ or ‘tradition’ but it now signifies various Western belief systems. Abracadabra, of course! Source: akarb / Adobe. M. aybe a chicken is clever enough to cross a road without the aid of a philosophy, but no human being is. All … Although this word is known to many, it is likely that fewer people are aware of its origins. See more. Abracadabra was described as a talisman in books in the 2nd century and maybe even earlier. Our earliest attestation of abracadabra is from a Latin poem about medicine and other medical matters. ABRAXAS: An ancient word of uncertain etymology, though it seems to have originated with the Gnostics and may be derived from ‘Abracadabra’. 10 Everyday English Words with Old Norse Origins, about The Enchanted Sex-Word of Scotland’s Secret Seduction Society, Varna Man and the Wealthiest Grave of the 5th Millennium BC, CT Scans Reveal Ceremonial Execution of Pharaoh ‘Seqenenre the Brave’, The dramatic history of the desert fortress of Masada, Tilapia Stew: Egyptian Recipe Found in 6000-year-old Stomach, King Leonidas of Sparta and the Epic Battle of the 300 at Thermopylae, New Finds at the Well-Preserved Wreck of the Formidable Warship Mars. These days, it is always used in a derogatory way (c.f. Here’s a mind-blowing etymological explanation for one of our most popular hocus-pocus magic words. Abracadabra. NIGHTMARE: Nowadays, this word is used as loosely as 'a bad dream'. And some can hurt. A good illustration of the latent acknowledgement of the power of words? Another common magic word is ‘Alakazam’. Hocus-pocus, mumbo jumbo, spell. When researching the reality of giants in the past, one story which has survived the ages is the apparent discovery of the ‘Glastonbury Giant’ which was allegedly unearthed in 1190, on orders of King Henry II, following rumors that the legendary King Arthur was in fact buried at that specific location. Abracadabra magic words meaning Today I learned the origin of the word abracadabra. WICCA: Also called ‘Pagan Witchcraft’. ABRACADABRA: This must be the archetypical magic word, used on stage and elsewhere. [Online]Available at:, Upton, E., 2013. ( Public Domain ). Immediately before that, elves, in popular culture, were ‘Santa’s little helpers’ or tiny, dainty creatures like fairies. Like ‘Abracadabra’, however, the origins of these words are also a mystery to most people. Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? [Online]Available at:, I am a university student doing a BA degree in Archaeology. Its origins are uncertain, although known from sources as early as the third century CE. It may be a nonsense word made up solely to impress people during a magic trick. Upper Austrian County Museum ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ). ‘mumbo-jumbo’). A rabbit hops out of a hat, the ace floats to the top of the deck, and the comely young assistant vanishes in a puff of smoke.” ELF: From the 1950s, this word has come to be associated with the noble creatures envisaged by JRR Tolkien. Abracadabra definition is - a magical charm or incantation. Was Makhunik an Ancient Iranian Lilliput? Another suggestion is that the words just sounded exotic and this pair of words was coined simply because they rhymed. No offense, however the inspiration of utilising "spells" like hocus pocus might simply get rid of from the tale and make the complete books a entire funny story. and the magic happens. Synonyms for abracadabra include charm, spell, incantation, invocation, conjuration, magic, bewitchment, chant, enchantment and glamor. Another word for abracadabra. A newer, generally benign, religious practice. The etymology of the word “rune” means: “to carve, or to cut.” In Low German the word is “raunen.” As the runes were cut and carved into wood, metal or stone, the word “rune” was analogous to the rune letters themselves. If you have any thoughts about other words which deserve inclusion, please. Article by Sakshi Zion. The title of the second Eldritch collection is WISH MAN'S WOOD. Abracadabra is of unknown origin, and its first occurrence is in the second century works of Serenus Sammonicus, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. Source(s): The Hebrew. Norimitsu Odachi: Who Could Have Possibly Wielded This Enormous 15th Century Japanese Sword? Some of these words, like 'hocus-pocus' (1634), 'abraxas' (1569) and 'hey presto' (1732), have a long history and a link to supernatu… As an award-winning performer across various fields of entertainment, as well as a high school teacher with more than a decade of experience, he brings it all together in his solo production Abracadabra and Other Useless Magic Words. 120. Conley, C., 2008. Ten amazing inventions from ancient times, The Man Who Stopped a Desert Using Ancient Farming, 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, The Immortals: An elite army of the Persian Empire that never grew weak, The Column of Death at Mitla, Hugged by Mesoamericans For Millennia. While ‘Abracadabra’ is commonly used by stage magicians today for the entertainment of the masses, this word is said to have its origins in the ancient Roman world. According to another theory, this magic word is derived from another magic word known as ‘abraxas’. From the ancient Hebrew: "אַבַּר כְּדַבֶּר", "ABAR KEDABER", "it will happen as i speak". This talisman involved the word being written on a piece of parchment repeatedly, with a letter being removed each time, until only one is left. by supernatural means. By Naeema Naqeeb, Assistant Editor | 2020-09-30T18:04:45+02:00 September 28th, 2020 | Window | The ocean of language helps make us human, but who sinks and who swims? the number of days in a year . Shazam, himself, actually has a separate magic word, apart from his name. It’s officially a “young adult” novel, but thought-provoking for people of any age. Jul 3, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by dolly mcphillips. We bring to you 35 wonderful quotes that will restore your hope in magic. Abracadabra isn't just an impressive-sounding nonsense word passed down from one generation of magicians to another. Back then, this word was not used for performances, but was believed to contain potent magical power within it. The title of the second Eldritch collection is. HOCUS-POCUS: One of the many expression used in casting spells. This incantation is said to have its origins in the Arabic language, and there is a similar-sounding word in that language, ‘Al Qasam’, which means oath. The Lost Zapotec: Vibrant Mesoamerican Civilization of The Cloud People. In any case, ‘Abracadabra’ was used as a talisman over the ages. Find more ways to say abracadabra, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. WISH MAN (also WISHT MAN or WISE MAN): A magician, Originally it was a by-name for The Devil. The word is thought to derive from ‘Elf Reich’, or ‘Elf Realm’ (‘Reich’ is the German word for ‘realm’). Its meaning is rather fluid but originally it may have been the name of a major Gnostic deity. Lv 4. The original meaning of these magical words, according to Rowling, was ‘let the thing be destroyed’, and it was used for curing illnesses . Over time the belief in the power of 'abracadabra' receded and in the 19th century it came to mean 'fake magic'. Word of the Day Abracadabra: Be Careful What You Wish For. Back in 2020 researchers claimed that they had discovered a Neanderthal Covid gene which decreased our ability to fight the virus SARS-CoV-2 that causes Covid-19. Abracadabra is a magical spell consisting of a single word, which was popular in medieval times to get rid of illness, misfortune or Demons.The word is inscribed on an amulet (see Amulets) or written out on paper in a magical inverted triangle, in which one letter of the word is dropped in each succeeding line, until nothing is left.The evil is supposed to fade away just as the word does. [Online]Available at:, Shnidman, R., 2013. Stage conjurers then adopted it into their inventory of the 'magic' words they used to punctuate their acts and the first known usage of it in that context dates from 1819. Did you know that many words we use today such as “husband,” “happy,” and “egg” are of Old Norse origin? The original meaning may have been something like 'I create with the word’. Practise parts of the body words with this song about a magic spell. ALCHEMY: The ancient quest to transform or purify materials. As previously seen on Australia's Got Talent, Jon Madd is the Enigmatic Eccentric, Entertainer Extraordinaire! Rare Ancient Millstone Found Decorated With A Roman Phallus Carving, The Mysterious Codex Argenteus: Famed Silver Bible of the Goths, The Mysteries Of The Mortal Remains Of Genii: Da Vinci And Mozart, Talk Like a Viking! ELDRITCH: ‘Other Worldly’, weird etc. TALISMAN: An object believed to confer protection on the bearer. abracadabra. According to one theory, the word ‘Abracadabra’ is derived from the Hebrew words ‘ab, ben, ruach hakodesh’, which translates as ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’.