I ordered the filter frame and that did not fit the opening (too wide). Sort By: Glasfloss Industries. Any suggestions for correcting this? http://www.globalindustrial.com/p/hvac/ventilation/duct-support-and-accessories/heating-cooling-products-filter-frame-16x20x1-14, Couple more “correction” candidates that I see on your unit…. Aprilaire 213 MERV 13 Furnace Filter(Best for Asthma) Aprilaire air filter is considered to be … Model #MA02DC-6. I've attached pictures to aid in my description: You can see that the air filter does not cover fill the entire space in front of (what I assume to be) the blower fan. Lasts up to 1 year. NOMA MERV 8 Furnace Filter, 16x25x4-in #064-3303-0 $26. This filter should fit in your system if the actual size of the filter is the same or very similar to the size of the filter … lectrical supply is incorrectly routed. 2) You mentioned that the electrical supply is incorrectly routed. 16 in. You can see how it beat up it looks since it doesn't sit still (I got that filter two weeks ago -- waste of money): The switch you referenced, is on the ceiling: I thank you immensely for your help. The package says "Slim Fit… Copyright © Air Filters Unlimited. 16x25x4 - SLIM FIT. Choose from our selection of 16x25x4 air filters below. Correct ? First, they don’t want fumes from the water heater or furnace to get sucked in in to the return system –supply air. Filter frame is the sheet metal profile that is normally placed in between the unit and the return duct (plenum).Typically these frames are sized to match the return box (duct) and the return box is sized to match the blower size. This Filtrete filter is designed to fit whole house air cleaning units that use a 19-1/2" x 24-1/2" x 3-3/4" filter. , 4 in. honeywell 16x25x4 filter; 3m furnace filters 16x25x1; filtrete air filters; furnace filters 20x25; air filters 20x25x1 *See offer details. Return duct is not aligned correctly; it is offset with the unit. slim fit and 5 in. This Filtrete filter is designed to fit whole house air cleaning units that use a 15-1/2" x 24-1/2" x 3-3/4" filter. 5633. Which means air is just getting pumped in to the rooms and not getting circulated. -FIND YOUR SIZE: 1550 MPR available in 4 in. for pricing and availability. x 3 Air Cleaner M11 Pleated Air Filter, Case of 3 - Electrostatically charged to improve dust-holding efficiency. The return vent should be measured for inside diameter in both directions. Pricing, promotions and availability may … Looks like I'm going to have to. Showing the single result. Thanks for all your help George, I really appreciate it. Can you take couple more pictures of your unit? With its smaller packaging, you can buy in bulk and store your filters until you need them.The minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) is the industry standard for measuring efficiency. 16x25x4 Air Filters. Second, your system right now is not balanced, at all; majority of your return air now comes from that big opening instead of being pulled from different sections of your home. Restrictions apply. Beware: although labeled 20x25x4, these are "slim fit" filters that are less deep than standard 20x25x4. I started paying attention to this because my house has been getting very dusty lately. In-stock. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, 16x25x4 Air Filter Glasfloss ZL Series MERV 10 - Single Filter, 16x25x4 Air Filter Glasfloss ZL Series MERV 10 - Box of 2, 16x25x4 Air Filter Glasfloss ZL Series MERV 10 - Box of 3, 16x25x4 Air Filter Glasfloss ZL Series MERV 10 - Box of 6, 16x25x4 Air Filter MERV 11 Glasfloss Z-Line - Box of 6, 16x25x4 Air Filter MERV 13 Glasfloss Z-Line - Box of 6, 16x25x4 Air Filter with Odor Reduction MERV 8 - Glasfloss (Box of 6). Basically an un-flanged (open) side of the frame is the side that gets attached to the unit (furnace) and the flanged side is the side that is connected to the return duct. The funny thing is a frame of some sort was my first thought, but I didn't know what it was called, so I didn't know what I was looking for. The FILXXCAR0016 filter … Hey baltien did you ever get the HVAC guy to come out? Starting with that return opening located right outside the laundry room. Sort by Featured. We/I don’t cite codes on this forum, I’m not a code officer or building inspector I am an ex contractor, but i find this important. When you want the best possible air It is important that you purchase a correct frame size so that you don’t have to make changes to the return duct. Slim fit is actually 15 1/2 x 24 1/2 by 3 3/4. Compare; Find My Store. NOTE: Make certain the arrow on the side of the filter … Filters Too small it may leak are around filter… filters, and at least every 12 months for 4in. Then, compare those to measurements of your old filter or the housing they go in. Please Note: Not all "4 inch" furnace filters are the same size. To compare filters to one another, simply check the compare box by the filters you would like to compare, then click "Compare Selected". Aside from making filter installation a pain, is this otherwise an issue. Filters thick air filters-FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE of your heating and cooling system or HVAC system, change your home air filter at least every 90 days for 1in. 16x25x4 MERV 8 filters made and manufactured by FilterBuy Actual Size 15 3/8" x 24 3/8" x 3 5/8" Traps and blocks over 90% of pollen, dust mites, mold, larger dust particles, and more. Filtrete Filters 14-inch x 25-inch x 1-inch Allergen Defense MPR 1000 Micro Allergen Filtrete Furnace Filter . The house was recently renovated, and this was the unit they installed (before I bought it). Also, there doesn't appear to be anything that keeps it from moving. View as Grid view List view. I check around on the website, but I didn't find anything. Answers. Here’s the link to one 16x20 filter frame that I’ve found online and that you can reference to. Again, have somebody come out, close that return grille and inspect the return air velocity with the opening closed. -FIND YOUR SIZE: 1550 MPR available in 4 in. Featured; ... Filtrete SLIM FIT 19.5 x 24.5 x 3.75 Ultra Allergen Filter - 2 PACK $56.95. Run + number of elbows + pipe diameter including termination on the roof. The vent to where the air filter resides. You could get them from filter specifications on the manufacturer's web site. You are welcome and I’m sorry about the delayed response. At 3M, we believe MERV only tells part of the story. These L shaped corners are the cut out indicators for the filter frame. Improve the air quality in your house by reducing the amount of airborne allergens with a Filtrete Allergen Defense Micro Allergen Filter. One-sided expanded metal backing. Filtrete MPR 1550 20 x 25 x 4 (3-3/4 Actual Depth) Healthy Living Ultra Allergen Deep Pleat AC Furnace Air Filter, 4… ... 16x25x4 air filter furnace filter 16x25x4 16x25x4 filter merv 13 air filter furnace filter… Aside from making filter installation a pain, is this otherwise an issue? Unfortunately, this looks like the part where I step back and let the professionals handle it. x 25 in. This filter should fit in your system if the actual size of the filter is the same or very similar to the size of the filter … "Return-air inlets shall not be located within 10 feet (3048 mm) of any appliance firebox or draft hood in the same room or space. My first thought was to buy a plastic filter, but I've read that they don't work as well as the paper ones. Filter size: The most typical sizes for a furnace filter are 16″ x 20″, 20″ x 25″ and 16″ x 25″ however many other sizes are available for purchase on our site. do they fit a standard return air grill, mine accepts a 1"standard filter -this is 4" Asked by jim November 18, 2020. Filtrete 16x25x4, AC Furnace Air Filter, MPR 1550 DP, Healthy Living Ultra Allergen Deep Pleat, 2-Pack (exact dimensions 15.88 x 24.56 x 4.2) The slide-in system on one of my units is exactly the same and the right size filter will simply slide into the slot. , 4 in. Filtrete 16x25x4, AC Furnace Air Filter, MPR 1550 DP, Healthy Living Ultra Allergen Deep Pleat… Have technician calculate combustion air required for all of the appliances located in that room using BTU+ cubic feet rule. Have him check the exhaust for the furnace too. Does Home Depot sell these? Carrier-Bryant 16x25x4 Replacement Filter — FILXXCAR0016 — MERV 8This filter style replaces the original cardboard framed filters. Also I’m not sure what the NEc code is in your state but normally armored cable is used for the supply to the unit and there should be a visible switch installed near by. Please double check these sizes before you go out an order one, I’m gestimating this based on the filter size…. The filter must fit snuggly in your furnace. 9 reviews. Choose from our selection of 16x25x4 air filters below. Ideal for …
Also for time being do not close that pass thru-door going in to the laundry room. Meaning that if I run the AC or heat, dust just gets sucked in. This is something that installer should have installed when original unit was replaced...I can tell, looking at the pics, that you had your unit fairly recently replaced. I don't have actual dimensions of the non slim fit model. Beware: although labeled 20x25x4, these are "slim fit" filters that are less deep than standard 20x25x4. 5. Being new to this, I wasn't really sure what I should do next. This filter's ACTUAL size is 15 1/2" x 24 1/2" x 3 3/4". ", In other words there should be no return opening that close to the furnace and the water heater (I see a gas line going to the water heater, also pic3.). To compare filters to one another, simply check the compare box by the filters you would like to compare, then click "Compare Selected". NOMA MERV 8 Furnace Filter, 16x25x4-in #064-3303-0 (9) 3.9 out of 5 stars. In other words your return side of the unit is being restricted. Beltien i would advise to have your system inspected by the licensed and certified HVAC technician. Hello Baltien and welcome to the How-to-Community. Please Note: Not all "4 inch" furnace filters are the same size. thick air filters-FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE of your heating and cooling system or HVAC system, change your home air filter at least every 90 days for 1in. … The package says "Slim Fit… This looks like 95 + AFUE % unit and with these units it is imperative that air intake and exhaust is installed correctly. filters, and at least every 12 months for 4in. The second shot shows how the filter is installed -- you just basically jam it into that slot: The slot itself seems to be very poorly designed because the filter does not glide in smoothly, so you have to wrestle with it which causes damage the cardboard frame. A healthy home begins with cleaner air. Your AC appears to need a 16x20x1 filter. and 5in. I don't mind installing it myself. This filter's ACTUAL size is 19 1/2" x 24 1/2" x 3 3/4". The fine print says depth 3 and 3/4 in, whereas the fine print for standard filters says depth 4 and 5/16. The fine print says depth 3 and 3/4 in, whereas the fine print for standard filters says depth 4 and 5/16. The size of your filter will be located on the side of the door on your filter cabinet. FEATURES NOMA MERV 8 Furnace Filter … It appears to me that your return box is 16x20, these are pretty standard and matching frames are available for this size. There are several good reasons backing up this rule. Filtrete SLIM FIT 15.5 x 24.5 x 3.75 Ultra Allergen Filter - 2 PACK ... Filtrete 16x25x4 Ultra Allergen Filter … slim fit and 5 in. 16x25x4 Air Filter Glasfloss ZL Series MERV 10 - Single Filter… All Rights Reserved
and 5in. Period. 99. If you decide to address this issue yourself, you should know that these are relatively easy to install even for somebody with no hvac or sheet metal experience. 4" to 6" Deep Furnace Filters. 20-in x 20-in x 1-in 1900 MPR Premium Allergen, Bacteria and Virus Electrostatic Pleated Air Filter. Electrical supply is incorrectly routed; right now it’s placed in front of the filter frame and it is obstructing filter slot. 1) The unit is in my laundry room, on the first floor of the house. Baltien you’re missing something called filter frame or filter slot. After some googling, I found that proper air filter maintenence can go a long way towards keeping the house dust-free, in addition to keeping the unit itself working properly. I'm just curios on what was his take on the setup. I recently replaced the air filter in my home and noticed that despite my best efforts, it does not fit snugly.